

Attached: Cheater.png (1276x719, 681.23K)

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I can't wait for another poorly translated robot game filled with never-explained acronyms, shoddy plot and shounen stereotypes and 19 year long spirit bomb animations that I'll skip after one viewing. I wonder if the the edgy faggot will turn evil this time or if he'll die first!

>never-explained acronyms
You mean a whole encyclopedia of acronyms you can click on to read their description. But the description doesn't make much sense.

I really hope the 30th anniversary game isn't just a compilation package of old games. Kick off a new trilogy you cowards.

The translations have been good after MD are you high or just a retard

Give me God Keron in an English translated game you fucks.

These games are consistently so bad. Why can't they hire a game designer who's not practically braindead?

>He doesn't go for 100% SR points

You guys aren't Gundam weeaboos, right?

Attached: gundamweeaboo.jpg (1280x720, 148.62K)

A fine line a fanservice game walks is that if even a single character isn't viable, it's a shit game by default, so they tend to skew easy to avoid bothering with balance.