Why do they try so hard to make Joel a bad guy?
Why do they try so hard to make Joel a bad guy?
because he was
>because he was
Then why do I need convincing?
the other day I found out my dad would torture dogs when he was young
him being loving and kind to me doesnt make him a good person for other people
he was only human.
What do you expect if the game is written by a feminist jew psychopath?
they dont
Because Niel always envisioned him as the bad guy, but people loved him after TLOU, so mow he had to spit on his corpse because of some fetish.
>my dad would torture dogs when he was young
Your dad sounds based
Because you’re emotional
Joel hurt a lot of people, and the game shows the consequences of what he's done. But if you interpret the story as being anti-Joel you're a brainlet
What did they do in the game?
A sign of a peasants mind, but there is so much sin and suffering in this world; There are always those kids in which one meets in their childhood. Higher minds are disgusted, and so should you.
He is a STRAIGHT, WHITE, CISGENDER, HETEROSEXUAL MALE. What more needs to be said?
Umm sweetie, because Joel was an abusive toxic white male and he NEEDED to be shut down to let queer women of colour rise up in his place and make up for all the discrimination we've had to endure from toxic incels like you. I dont know why the h*ll you are bothered. Check your G*ddamn privilege and then neck yourself.
And not too hard on the eyes mind you, he isn't just some dork or sjw double type equivalent figure.
>it's traditional to kill off mentors
That's a funny was of saying it's the most trite, overused, and predictable fucking storytelling trope.
Funny how people think Joel is evil for not letting someone he loved die for nothing. Like they wouldn't sat back and let a bunch of morons cut open their daughter because they can totally make a cure and save humanity even though there is ingame evidence that's bullshit.
There are no "good" guys in Last of Us, it is just people surviving and making choices that have different consequences. Ellie, Joel or Abby are not "good" or "bad".
It is not an anime or comic book with clear black and white division between villains and heroes.
Okay Neil.
How would you have written the story with Joel in it? Let's hear your interesting ideas user
>for not letting someone he loved die for nothing.
Was the cure a sure thing? No. But the idea that it absolutely could not be done is a massive cope by sociopaths and manbabies who want to dumb down the ending of the first game into being a heroic super dad saving his daughterfu instead of a traumatized man doing something awful for the sake of love
Why is it so hard for retards to understand this? There is no good people
Gamers are unironically too stupid. They're too used to being 'the good guys'.
>um excuse me user, you can't critique art without being an artist
I'm not a professional writer, nigger.
But surely someone who is can think of something more interesting than "heh, let's kill the mentor figure because everyone does that".
Which the brainlet in the pic is supporting as sound narrative reasoning.
Joel was absolutely the bad guy. The fans still loved him, which was fine. The first game had a couple well developed themes, including the gray areas of morality. Joel clearly overstepped the line several times throughout the game. It wasn't about him being a good guy. He was a normal guy making understandable decisions in a harsh world. The player asks themselves "what would I do?"
The new one sucks because the theme is just "vIoLeNcE aNd ReVeNgE BaD GuYs" except when Abby does it apparently. Character decisions make no sense too and their narrative feels too kindergarten to take seriously.
I don't think he is.
So you don't like how they handled it and yet you have no idea how to change it. Thanks for input, retard.
>except when Abby does it apparently.
Killing Joel gives Abby no peace and destroys her relationships with most of her friends just before Ellie murders them all
You haven't actually played the game have you
>But surely someone who is can think of something more interesting than "heh, let's kill the mentor figure because everyone does that".
Everyone? give me five examples from games
>"vIoLeNcE aNd ReVeNgE BaD GuYs" except when Abby does it apparently
you haven't played the game
Joel had it coming. Torture and all. He didn't deserve a shitty follow-up to his game, however.