Post games that actually managed to make you cry.
Post games that actually managed to make you cry
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Bioshock Infinite when I realised I paid full price for it.
To the moon.
Also, even though Joyful was shit, this fight was pretty brutal emotionally.
Shouldn't you realize that before you make a purchase?
>you weren't thinking about peeking, were you, naughty boy?
God damnit this sounds so bad.
I cried tears of boredom over how fucking bad Uta 1 was
I never cried during Ys, but I only beat yunicas story. I remember unlocking some sonic speed guy.
Mask of Truth made me cry because it was so bad
Your post made me cry because it was so bad.
The Sims.
>Dad hugs you
>Dad misses you
>The Nobody hates himself
He's really fun to play.
I don't think a game has ever made me cry. I mean, I've seen glorified toy commercials that made me teary-eyed, but not games. Will say though the most emotional I ever got while playing a game was Undertale when you visit Asgore's house. Especially when you look in the mirror and it says "Despite everything, it's still you." I dunno I guess everything the game was trying to do just kinda hit me all at once with that point.
It makes me cry because it reminds me Fujiwara is dead.
At least he didn't have to witness how shit 2020 is.
The Phoenix Wright fangame Conflict of Interest, specifically Turnabout Consequences.
Fuck you Square for changing his english voice actor, i hope that person who was in charge of it is suffering
no sequel can top it
MoD's ending was really fucking depressing, I was somewhat spoiled and knew that Haku would become Oshtor but I didn't grasp the full implications, when he said "Haku is dead" and fully gave up on his past identity my heart sank, after all that lighthearted SoL that made you attached to the cast that's just brutal. It was already an extremely emotional ending and I was already tearing up but then there's that post-credit scene with Kuon that twists the knife in even further, at that point I actually cried. MoT was really good too but there were some boring parts that dragged, and nothing had the same emotional impact for me as MoD's ending.
Aren't you forgetting about someone?