I literally give 0 fucks. I'm still buying Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Camden Martin
reminder >Car customization removed >apartment customization removed >wall running removed >3rd person cutscenes removed >robot companion removed >almost all the classes removed >Verticality exploration just confirmed to have been removed >Dialogue options heavily toned down (even less than fallout 4) >character customization heavily downgraded >day time extended since the last demo >"Shooter elements take number one priority in the game, rpg elements take a backseat" confirms journalists that have played the game >they have made the skill tree smaller than what was seen in the demo earlier this year >CDPR told journalists and press that they were trying to "capture the feel and play of GTAV" >But they have confirmed to have pronoun options and are currently working on adding more genital options, confirmed by the company itself I was hyped for this game, but they fucking ruined it
Christopher Brooks
I genuinely feel like, this is bait, but while I am not a Fan of CyberPunk, I am legitimately becoming wayyyyy concerned about some of what I'm hearing regarding its development.
Christopher Richardson
Haha, so true. Still buying it though.
Jordan Foster
>Car customization removed GTA shit, good riddance >apartment customization removed GTA shit, good riddance >wall running removed What is this, Spider-Man? Good riddance >3rd person cutscenes removed Less immersive, good riddance >robot companion removed Was probably annoying like Navi in Zelda >almost all the classes removed RPG mechanics have no place in the Cyberpunk universe >Verticality exploration just confirmed to have been removed So? Plenty of horizontal exploration still in the gameplay video >Dialogue options heavily toned down (even less than fallout 4) Games aren't books, good riddance >character customization heavily downgraded RPG shit, good riddance >day time extended since the last demo WAAAAA IT'S NOT NIGHT TIME AND PURPLE (good riddance) >"Shooter elements take number one priority in the game, rpg elements take a backseat" confirms journalists that have played the game Aka "gameplay takes priority over non-gameplay", which makes sense in a VIDEO GAME >they have made the skill tree smaller than what was seen in the demo earlier this year Witcher 3 had a small skill tree, was still GOTY >CDPR told journalists and press that they were trying to "capture the feel and play of GTAV" Cautiously optimistic about this >But they have confirmed to have pronoun options and are currently working on adding more genital options, confirmed by the company itself Fuck off Zig Forums
Joshua Ortiz
kinda just like every game released in the pass 30 years. strange.