>teen of your harem
the month you were born = january-march / april-june / july-september / october-december
>tomboy of your harem
your age = 15-19 / 20-24 / 25-29 / 30+
>milf of your harem
your lucky number = 1-9 / 10-19 / 20-49 / 50+
>goth/alternative girl of your harem
your favorite color = white-black-grey-brown / crimson-red-pink-orange / blue-yellow-green / purple-violet-lilac
>blondie of your harem
first letter of your first name = A-F / G-L / M-S / T-Z
>redhead of your harem
first letter of your surname = A-F / G-L / M-S / T-Z
>ebony of your harem
the decade you started gaming = 1980s / 1990s / 2000s / 2010s
>asian of your harem
the number of games you have = 1-50 / 50-100 / 100-250 / 250+
>leader of your harem
your most preferred platform = PlayStation / Xbox / PC / Nintendo
Official Zig Forumsarem thread - post what you got (description below)
>Jessica Baron
Hell yeah, boi
MK and Aloy pls go
>Sindel and Kitana both in his harem
what’s wrong with Aloy tho?
I'm just not into her.
This is without a doubt one of the worst waifu lists I've ever seen. Get your shit together OP.
What the fuck am I reading
t. got Kassandra
a thread, I guess
based retard
I only need one
horrible taste OP
t. gay
Okay, Zig Forumsirgin.
>mother and daughter in the same harem
ok, faggot
wheres the loli section
in the trash where it belongs
>All realistic looking girls
What a shit list
aloy (fucking gross, give me lady)
bella goth
bayonetta saves this shit show, her and okatsu are the only hot girls i got, fuck the rest
>realistic looking
>not hot
okay, homo
Play more games OP
I’m playing games for 20 years, zoomer
such a shit taste. disgusting
ok, faggot
t. homo
Imagine having all that company
you gonna have a good time, lad
i think i'm gonna start with Kinzie