No Mans Sky 2 incoming.
No Mans Sky 2 incoming.
How does this apply to this thread? I see no Twitter screencap let alone an opinion, did you mistaken thread? Have you got some brain disfunction?
he's saying it's his opinion that removing features is good
he's a fucking cuck faggot boot licking apologist
I wonder if playtesters were sequence breaking the shit out of their quests by just hopping over areas.
>work in progress
>does not represent the final look of the game
that's not an opinion
Eh. The function probably still exists in the game, modders will probably figure it out considering the dumb shit people managed with Witcher 3.
ahahahahaha fucking retard
I dont even understand whats to be excited for anymore. They've removed so much stuff that seemed like it was going to make it stand out from other open world games. All I've seen so far is a cookie cutter open world game with barely passable gameplay, just like Witcher 3. I havent seen ANYTHING from gameplay trailers that has me excited. Someone prove me wrong because I was actually looking forward to it before gameplay came out.
What did you wanted to prove with this post? That the feature was in the game at some point? That they were legally allowed to remove it? I don't understand at all
If they're removing mechanics critical to the games level and combat design barely 6 months from launch then this thing is going to an even sloppier shitshow than I expected.
Don't insult NMS like that.
My house is filled with this crap
Shows up in bubble wrap
Most everyday
What I bought on ebay
I don't think this game will turn out to be shit, hell it will probably be even above average if not, dare i say it, fun, but they're being assholes with the marketing, i don't understand if it's poor choices or flexing that they don't bend to the fans and do whatever they want, a game go through a lot of changes during production but this particular game is publicly back pedaling in so many stuff that stopped being fun and started becoming absurd, they should just shut up and release the game once is readyclike everyone else instead of updating on whatever they add or remove, like i said in another thread i think they even scrapped the idea of a cyberpunk setting at some point but decided to put some techno stuff to maintain the name of the project to live up to the hype
What did you want to peove with this post? That you're walled-off and over-sensitive? That you are an ESL? I don't understand at all.
Eat shit demoralisation shill
Yes. Interesting, creative features were removed from the game because of some assumed downside to the player having certain degrees of freedom. It is completely reasonable for people to throw shade at interesting features being removed.
How many interesting features need to be removed before the game becomes uninteresting?
How did i came out insensitive? Well to be fair i am offended by how stupid you are, you got into a thread full of people complaining about the removal of a feature with a screencap proving that it could have been removed? Can't you see by yourself how stupid of a move that was? Of fucking course they can remove a feature mid production, we don't need a goddamn caption to understand that, yet we can still complain about it
This game is going to be such a downgrade from what we've seen so far, isn't it? You're not wrong, people think this game is gonna be the return of christ. I'm sure the game will be okay, fun even. But so many people are going to be violently disappointed, and make it seem like an absolute trash fire of a game.
Will wait for sale.
So wait a year or so and it’ll be top tier?
At this point what the fuck is left in this game?
It's pretty much Sleeping Dogs at this point, except it will probably take itself way too seriously. I feel bad for the people who have been waiting for this game for years, actually buying the hype and thinking it would be crazy shit.
>our testers were too stupid to use it, so we have to remove it or journalists will rate our game poorly because they can't play it.
you can customize your cunt
>No Mans Sky 2 incoming.
is a really good game
As long as you don't pay for it, sure. Same shit here really. Game could be passable but only a fool would pay for it from the get.
So what separates this game from a generic shooter? (besides the atmosphere)
I enjoyed looking at it for a couple of hours, it was worth more than the $0 I paid for it but definitely not what they were asking for it
There's trannies
I find the idea that anybody would be using wirelessly enabled weapons in a cyberpunk setting absurd for this exact reason
Yeah CDPR is a talented studio, it definitely won't be shit. But my problem is that I expected more growth from them after Witcher 3. Witcher 3's biggest issue is that it clearly bit off more than CDPR could chew, and the game really suffered for it. All these years later and it seems like they are going through the exact same situation again. I didn't want just a good game, I wanted a fucking great game. Open world game design is so stagnant and I thought CDPR could be the ones to push the genre forward, but from what I'm seeing it just looks like AAA open world game #213211414 with a slightly cyberpunk skin. They made it sound like it was going to be an actual RPG like Deus Ex at first, but now its sounding more like futuristic GTA. Don't even know if I'll get it day one honestly.
>They made it sound like it was going to be an actual RPG like Deus Ex at first, but now its sounding more like futuristic GTA
It's going to be a futuristic Witcher 3
Bad gameplay, maybe the story will be passable (probably not seeing the source material isn't as strong)
Eat shit croomsuer shill
I don't understand why'd you take that out. It's so simple and elegant. A perfect little addition to a stealth character.