Jiren is the worst dlc character in history.
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Please show me a dlc character who is worst.
I don't want to be right
Jiren is the worst dlc character in history.
How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Please show me a dlc character who is worst.
I don't want to be right
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How the fuck can you unironically post this when 17 exists
that make no sense
how you can still be interested in dragonball is beyond me
You don't play the fucking game, don't you?
>Please show me a dlc character who is worst.
Videl, Jiren is not even thrash right now
arguably gogeta too.
check any tier list and he is bottom 5
>Broly not in S
>SSJ Goku in A+
>Gogeta and Piccolo that high despite getting completely fucked by S3
your tier list is outdated, faggot. You don't play the game.
>Jiren is the w-
Holy SHIT, I did not, repeat, did not read a SINGLE syllable more of your moetrash-ridden drivel. You will SILENCE your perfidious mouth and KNEEL to me at ONCE.
>Videl above Jiren
>Ginyu and Tien alongside Videl
the entire list is thrash
>Broly not in S
>SSJ Goku in A+ instead of B
>Gogeta in A instead of D
>Piccolo in A+
entire list is thrash
We from the vegita family kneel
Btw did you guys see Dr. Whillo from DB Hero?
All DLC characters are worst DLC characters because DLC is shit.
What the fuck? I'm kneeling now...
how outdated is this?
you going to that scrubby voting site?
extremely, probably end of season 2. we're like 2 characters into season 3.
Nostalgia carries pretty far.
based retard
stop mocking me and give me a tier list made by someone where jiren is not bottom 5
>moving the goalpost
>AND doesn't play the game
you deserve to be mocked, dumbshit.
how the fuck is that moving the goalpost, you ignorant fucking faggot? The post you FUCKING RESPONDED TO is
>check any tier list and he is bottom 5
Fucking amerifats and your two-second attention spans I swear to fucking god. Did you seriously forget what the fucking argument was about? Fuck off, retard.
the fucking argument was about jiren being the worst dlc character in the first place dumbshit, I don't give a fuck about if jiren is bottom 5 in this outdated ass tier list.
>No. -I- will kneel.
official tier list are mixture of professional tier list.
being bottom 5 make you have potential to be considered the worst character in the game
all you have to do is show me a notable fgc player that think jiren is okay
Here are some tierlists from May, there might be more updated to add UI Goku but I dont care enough to look for them
Also there are worse characters than Jiren like Videl, Gogeta, Krillin, Blue Vegeta, Beerus, Nappa, Hit and you can also argue about Piccolo and 17
how many times have we had this little dance, monkey boy?
5 fucking gokus
This is a long running franchise with a huge amount of characters to choose from and they made 5 fucking gokus
at least is not Raditz, Bulma or worse of all fucking Mr. Satan
post below you already did it but to add, the point of this thread is that jiren is the worst DLC character, which hasn't been true since season 3 since his buffs put him over shit like videl.
But those would all be great choices.
>Raditz who has 1 fight with like 1 ki blast
>Mr satan, a joke character
no thank you