Before people ask why EVO is done
oh wow a twitter screencap, evo is for sure done.
didn't read btw, fuck off not videogames kys
All it takes to cancel someone today user. Hell you don't even need evidence anymore. Infiltration is still getting hell over something long passed he didn't even do.
>no evidence
>less then 700 followers
Nothing burger, but hopefully it somehow kills EVO/E-sports anyway
the story is actually comical, i chuckled.
apparently 5 inches is "above average" dick size LMFAO
When one comes forward the others feel the need to as well.
Dunno who is real or fake but I know jebailey probably still looks for tranny porn inbetween matches.
I don't know shit about twitter but why do people need twit longer?
>Viscant laughed and I remember the exact words he said. "You got $20 to give Wizard a night of jerk off material". I was like "Huh?" Viscant goes "You didn't know? Joey's gay."
So they can post long ass stories and paragraphs that go over twitter's tiny character limit in tweets.
Twitter has a character limit
I find it suspicious how quickly upon the creation of the tweet someone found it to post on Zig Forums, Zig Forums is often fast but not that fast.
Thread died before I typed this shit out, fuck it.
>all these terrible replies
Holy shit, you fags really don't play fighting games, huh? Anyways, there's basically 2 EVOs as part of the same event now, the 4 online games for community involvement which are spread out over this month, and these games as part of regular EVO on the same weekend it was supposed to be, except these are invitation only. EVOnline is just to take the sting out of not having an actual event, registration was free and the prizes for each game are probably going to be shit. Standard games being invite only sucks, but top 8 is almost always 90% of the same people year after year anyways.
Everyone browses here so it makes sense to me that it would pop up here. This whole board is nothing but twitter articles sometimes.
shut up, stop thinking, just feel anger and cancel someone already, I need more content for my clickbait news site
>Corona combo with kiddy diddling ender
Damn son
so it begins... the great communist purge of our time
I hope it does die. The FGC didn't stand up for LTG. They didn't stand up for NYChris or any of the others. They deserve to lie in their grave.
Just a reminder that this will never be you
Nobody cares about those games because they all have terrible netcode. And it has shown horribly with every one of those games being even worse than sfv's horrible code.
Some guy was already tweeting about the fall of Evo for the past day or so, so people were probably waiting on the big reveal
Stone Cold is in the FGC?
Good. They look like they want to anhero.
Mike already said Wizard was a pedo like 15 years ago and mentioned it again 3 years ago. He's a shittalker so no one believed hin
kek reading that shit there's no way this is the only person that comes forward about wiz
it's like dominoes with this stuff, every person coming forward makes other people more likely to feel comfortable doing so
these rumors have been around for years, he's actually about to get canceled into oblivion
He better let my boy viscant out of the situation, before I gonna start jerking him off! Hulk style!
>ugly, bbm, dilf
right wing militias have been awfully quiet, and gun sales in March and June have surged over 120%, nothing ever seen.
Shit is about to pop off
Ok user, if you got "molested" by a relatively above average female 10 years older than you would you feel scarred from it? Especially if they took your virginity
This is such a normal Mr. Wiz story I have no real reaction to it
reminder that you more likely to be molested by a female teacher then a male priest
> In the group someone made a joke about how "it's mostly Asian people even if you were gay, why'd you want to look at a bunch of tiny penises". And me... being who I am, who loved to research into things that are common myths and ideas said "That's not true. Asians on average are as big as other races when erect. The average male penis is 5 1/4 inches when erect"
>Viscant laughed and I remember the exact words he said. "You got $20 to give Wizard a night of jerk off material". I was like "Huh?" Viscant goes "You didn't know? Joey's gay."
hahaha wtf am i reading
i hope this is all true
I'd be pretty cool with it, only fear is her being preggers
I literally can't sleep because I'm waiting for the next cancel, this shit is entertaining
>Nice dick bro
This was going to the first evo I watch too, for tfh
i hope so too, but it might just start an age of esports FGC. Every event will be like CapCup.
No I know the feel
From experience, yes, but it's not like it ruined my life or anything. Just uncomfortable to think about.
if I was 13 and basically forced into it, yeah my perception of the world would be pretty fucked
>This is wrong, but my penis likes it, this doesnt make any sense
and cue the mental issues
I'd look pretty fondly on it, especially since I didn't lose my virginity till like post college
fighting game scene has been dying anyway
>tfw someone was so butthurt about losing EVO they started cancel culture to even the playing field
Who the fuck was going to stand up for LTG? Chris G is one thing, but LTG?
Yeah I can handle that
It would literally depend on whether or not you were already used to watching porn.
>I thought I was so awesome, proved my penis was above average in size as a little Asian kid (for reference I was 5'5 105lbs at the time. I definitely had a size complex so this was kind of a big deal to me).
When will they learn?
Hard to say, I remember I didn't quite understand this stuff yet so would probably be confused
Realistically? Yeah, it would probably damage my ability to actually love and pair bond with an appropriate mate for the rest of your life.
funny how the only people who think this would be the greatest thing ever are the ones who it didn't happen to
coomers are a fucking blight
Hell no. Older female + young boy is the healthier side of pedophilia, no matter how much moralfags wanna argue it. It's only a problem if pregnancy happens or STDs are in effect. No healthy young boy will become fucking traumatized for getting sexually educated by an older female.
>literal who weeb coomer that jerk it to cunny
Whatever Mr.Wiz is fine
>pair bond
LTG says the things that everyone in the FGC says offline, online. If they had a spine they'd have stood up for him.
>Bro my dick is totally above average
>Oh yeah? I bet you it isn't. I'll bet you $20 you have a small dick
>No way bro I'll take that bet, I'm definitely bigger
>Oh yeah? Then take this porn over to that toilet stall and get hard, measure it with this ruler and then call me in
>Sure thing bro
Is this normal for Americans? I feel like I'm reading a gay porn novel.
Yeah, potentially. I think it would change the way I looked at relationships.
proportionally? theres way more female teachers than priest. I find this hard to believe.
Another Smasher spoke out about her
One-two punch
>That's messed up! Glad you said it had no real effect on you but i feel like stories like this against one of the founders of EVO needs to get out
What the fuck am I reading
it's ogre
we didn't listen
Yes, pair bonding. The things humans naturally tend to for strong social cohesion.
No one gives a fuck about LTG, you fucking newfags buying into his shit recently is mind boggling. His only claim to fame is being a dude who couldn't back up his shittalk
When gene therapy becomes a thing
I went to boarding school, there were dudes who would get the gay dude to look at their dick to make sure it didn't look weird. I'm sure it's normal
I wanted to do everything to my friend's mom when I was like 12. Fuck all these lucky bastards
They are both faggots
imagine unironically liking chris g or ltg. both are fucking dirtbags. everyone in the nyc scene fucking hates chris g. he left for cali for a reason.
There's no sexual gratification involved when a woman "inspects" a 10 year olds penis and sticks a pen in his anus. The real thing is not like your fantasy
>Healthier side of Pedophelia
t. guy who was never molested
The point is that
>they DIDN'T have sex
>did oral as their farthest
>she told him to shut the fuck up about it
>while she was openly teasing him
>basiclly using her position as an older attractive female to control and power him
>all this while she was dating around and cheating on other guys in the Smash scene
>young boy develops feelings and feels frustrated/confused
Basically he feels like he got manipulated for a shota fetish, which of course dumbasses will say "wish it were me" but the reality is it sucks, especially once you know you've been manipulated by a selfish person who giives no fucks about how you feel other fulfilling her own sexual fetishes and power trips.
Here's cinnpie's bf at the time she was fucking around with the shota btw: twitter.com
holy fuck his story is even crazier than i thought
that gay pedo is absolutely fucking done for
Just skimmed it, this bitch is INSANE.
Yeah, especially if she was as crazy as Cinnpie is based on the events
>Repeatedly cheated both on and with underage partners
>Used sex to control people
>Basically groomed little boys
>Deleted evidence of their conversations
>Told them not to discuss the things they did
It turns out that people who prey on minors 10 years younger than them aren't exactly saints
I feel like I saw this name a couple of time before but I don't remember where. I think it was in a twitch channel
Calm down my brothers, the time of reckoning is at hand. Turn on matchmaking and watch the piece fall
>buying into his shit recently
I've followed LTG since before Viscant blew his load inside his mouth. And whether or not I like LTG or not, has nothing to do with what I said. LTG, whether you hate him or not, was cancelled for holding the same opinions and saying the same things that most people in the FGC believe in. They had the chance to stand up for him but they let their hatred of LTG get in the way. Now the floodgates are open and there is a precedent and no one is safe. True or not, I hope all of these fags burn for letting it get to this point.
New KI when?
He's in Aris' chat from time to time
I never said I liked either of them, did I, retard?
cinnpie sounds like the sherryjenix of the smash community except sherry never went after little boys as far as we know. it's an open secret that sherry is a whore and would fuck any top player. it's the only reason she ever gained clout in the fgc.
literally the plot of a soap opera
LTG is just a streamer who says headass things on a frequent basis. Why standup for a guy who's going to say some other stupid shit next month.
Male molestee here. It's not glamorous. Though I was too young to really understand what was happening at the time I was definitely scared. It's also potentially why I'm a sexual deviant as an adult
He was a mod for some channels and acted like a huge bitch. I think WNF maybe.
same, couldn't quite put my finger on it but I've definitely seen that twitter handle before
and yet you want the fgc to die because no one stood up for them? you sure are smart.
fuck me man this cunt is on another level of batshit
Sounds like she's legitimately a nympho. Those smashers never stood a chance against a succubus of that level.
do tell
This is how you know someone watches/reads too much porn and unironically falls for feminist propaganda
She is literally a female coomer
>Stand up for the person that ruined Marvel 3
Nah, fuck ChrisG.
What is it with Smash and literal degenerates?
So is the fgc supposed to send a message to Capcom saying that we all believe that real trannies get their dicks split?
In the end the ghost of marvel wasn't a spirit, but a herald of the death that was to come.
hes them, but without a filter. it always ends on a slippy slope of wanting more and more purity.
"Attractive" FGC thots only exist in FGC to fuck top-tier players and get easy fame/recognition/bux that way, prove me wrong.
That woman's fetish is literally "high level smash players"
What in the actual fuck.
there was nothing wrong with chrisg in marvel. God forbid somebody play a style/character that's different than the usual
> Being that one guy whose girlfriend is sucking 14 year old cocks behind your back
>fuck top-tiers and get easy fame/recognition/bux that way.
This is average women behavior.
It's a game for kids and teenagers, so adults who still play it are more likely to be stunted or messed up in some way
*steals your virginity*
Whatchya goin' do about it whiteboi?
Finna get into Elite Smash with DK so I can smash that puss
why wouldn't it be? everyone wants to fuck someone who's powerful or well known, whether it's women attaching themselves to rich people, or men fantasizing about fucking princesses and celebrities. This is just the dollar store version of that, fucking good esports players.
She's not FGC though, it's smash so top some extra mental illness on it
All this shit is so fucking corny. This aint the FGC anymore
>chrisg ruined marvel
>not capcom and marvel ruining marvel
I get that you liked seeing dark wesker and dark vergil but lol
fuck off, if you can't handle a little soulfist, you don't deserve Magneto, Storm and Sentinel.
I'd rather die a kissless virgin than be known as the guy who is so bad at sex his girlfriend had to rape a 14-year old boy just to climax.
I remember my first relationship and how hard it hurt to break up. I can't imagine dating a girl a decade older than me who is a pedo, cheating on me, and is grooming me. Shit is fucked. Imagine falling for someone knowing it's wrong and illegal and deep down you know they don't love you back and are just using you for a sick fetish you'll be not useful for in a few years.
This honest to god sounds like someone with real mental illnesses beyond her obvious pedophelia, I'm getting some serious Nymphomania vibes here
smash players are neither powerful, well known, nor wealthy. Maybe she should be applauded for not swinging above her weight class
Just thought about it:
>Wiz get's outted
>SJW fags push that they need to drop out of EVO and won't support it until he steps down
>Wiz doesn't step down and maybe even defends himself calling it untrue or ignoring it
This might be how this shit dies. If Wiz stands his ground people will try to self-sabotage EVERYTHING about the event. Maybe there will be a mass exodus from EVO. Conversely, maybe the cancel culture will die when EVO or Wiz doesn't get cancelled everything continues on like normal.
Just thinking the possibilities of how this will go.
>cinnpie twitter is full of BLM garbage and leftist shit
Whoa...you telling me... that libtards....are pedos.....no way....
Marvel movie industry ruined Marvel. They pushed characters with upcoming films and no X-Men
>old FGC
the fuck was that corny ass shit, who fucking DP's on wakeup I oughta slap the shit out of you
She called me by the wrong pronoun and I can see the her ankles oh god this is so stressful
So many people on this site cry about not being able to attract women. And yet here we have lusting after smashers.