Going to get a late night snack

>Going to get a late night snack
>Senator Armstrong blocks your path
>The last weapon you used in a game is the only thing you have to take him on with

Just how fucked are you, Zig Forums?

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>mortal blade
>can probably kill armstrong regardless of robots
>die if I draw it
Pretty fucked

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I think I'll be fine

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>black knight sword from DS3
Hey this thing can kill demons, archdragons, warriors mutated by the power of the very source of humanity, the physical manifestation of light and fire, I think I’ll do fi-
>iframes don’t exist in real life
I’m fucked

he's pretty fucked

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I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution with a Six Samurai deck. So what's my weapon? Cards? Do they become real and help me fight him?

A gauntlet that shoots energy that forcibly causes people to turn inside out.

I can carry two packages of bottle water from Costco at best so there's no hope of me lifting much less swinging this thing.

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Damn user, luck of the draw.

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Machete, I'm fucked