>Going to get a late night snack
>Senator Armstrong blocks your path
>The last weapon you used in a game is the only thing you have to take him on with
Just how fucked are you, Zig Forums?
>Going to get a late night snack
>Senator Armstrong blocks your path
>The last weapon you used in a game is the only thing you have to take him on with
Just how fucked are you, Zig Forums?
>mortal blade
>can probably kill armstrong regardless of robots
>die if I draw it
Pretty fucked
I think I'll be fine
>black knight sword from DS3
Hey this thing can kill demons, archdragons, warriors mutated by the power of the very source of humanity, the physical manifestation of light and fire, I think I’ll do fi-
>iframes don’t exist in real life
I’m fucked
he's pretty fucked
I was playing Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution with a Six Samurai deck. So what's my weapon? Cards? Do they become real and help me fight him?
A gauntlet that shoots energy that forcibly causes people to turn inside out.
I can carry two packages of bottle water from Costco at best so there's no hope of me lifting much less swinging this thing.
Damn user, luck of the draw.
Machete, I'm fucked