Why are random indie horror games with zero budget originating from random forums scarier than actual AAA horror games?

why are random indie horror games with zero budget originating from random forums scarier than actual AAA horror games?

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Because there are no AAA horror games

marketing kills horror. I like me some resident evil or Stephen King book, but being well known and advertised kinda makes them fade from my memory. Shit that truly scares me is usually shrouded in mystery.

Shut the FUCK up and post Veronica already



PASSION>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AAA budgets with no soul
there are literal scientific studies about how you can't pay for passion/creativity
all you can do is hope you find a consistent wellspring of it and essentially be a patron
they need to be consistent because people with money usually only pay those with resumes

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The cuter sister duh. What kind of Franken Fran thread is this?

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