Tell me your favorite comfy game

Tell me your favorite comfy game

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you already posted it, op. it dont get much more comfy than that.

Space sims like E:D are peak comfy

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It use to be LBP and LBP2. I wanna go back

This, Elite Dangerous is my go to for comfy/ Too bad those lights for my cockpit cost so fkn much.


it has so many worlds I can explore by myself in VR and I never run into the degenerate trannies I was warned about in invite only worlds

Which mods do you use Zig Forums

Oxenfree is very comfy

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Probably Resident Evil 4 or Pokemon Platinum

STALKER. Its so comfy to sit by a campfire and listen to the NPC's play their guitars. Its also oddly relaxing to walk around some areas of the zone.