Boss Revenge mode is finally here.
>dress length changes based on MP/blood
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>dress length changes based on MP/blood
You didn't notice this back in the base game? You essentially strip her over the course of the fight.
Never realized bosses had win poses either.
Also her dress changes depending on the blood colour you set in the options.
Anyway this mode sucks dick, I have no hope for any of this DLC anymore.
>Anyway this mode sucks dick
Why would it have been any good? It's just four bossfights in a game where the bossfights are the weakest gameplay element.
The only real stretchgoals worth caring about were randomizer, new characters, and multiplayer. Modes that give a reason to replay the full game, but with something new.
Anyone that's ever played a boss rush knew this mode would be ass.
It's only 3 boss fights.
I would've at least expected them to refine the boss controls so they don't feel like half-assed movesets tacked to a control scheme and rushed out with no playtesting so reflector guy's attacks don't whiff through the characters half the time.
No, it's four. You get jumping guy, laser guy, bloodless, and gremory.
I find it hilarious how, 5 years after Inti started getting shat on for MN9 and Bloodstained's developments, they're now getting vindicated and were hired to make a sequel game.
Playable characters =/= boss fights