Hey kid

hey kid
wanna drive to that smash tournament together?
we can also share a hotel room :3

Attached: 1593676662552.jpg (1080x1350, 176.74K)

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s-sure, hahaha...

Attached: 1561505945635.png (1200x1200, 983.36K)

No thanks mutt

i want to smell a girls armpit

Attached: 1535904737286.png (378x406, 247.24K)

Does she have a dick

No thanks retard.
I think I have a fetish for girls in dress shirts

imagine her goblino face without the 10 layers of makeup

Attached: 87710741_2542330142543028_128618655311164889_n.jpg (640x800, 94.41K)

I hope you're not implying she's wearing a dress shirt, because that my friend is a school shirt

libido is a curse prove me wrong