You don't pirate games, do you Zig Forums? Why don't you support the hard working game devs?
You don't pirate games, do you Zig Forums? Why don't you support the hard working game devs?
of course I dont pirate. I buy all my games.
>Pirate 10 dollar indie game 6000 times
>mfw the developer loses 60,000 dollars
I enjoy not getting bitcoin miners installed on my pc
The last game I bought was Civ 5, I've not bought a game in years
>he fell for the jewish blunder
I only pirate game when it is necessary (e.g. games that are no longer on digital storefront)
Why do you dumb fucking thirdies always post the same fucking memes over and over again? We get it, you're poor and you're trying to cheer yourself up because your third world ass single digit IQ family is always arguing and calls for a faggot because you never shut the fuck up about America. "OH HAHAHA LOOK GUYS I STEAL THINGS HAHA HOW COOL AM I? "OH NO NO NO HE HAS A JOB AND PAYS FOR THINGS. DOES HE REALLY BROS!!!???"
>mfw draining a developer's bank account as I continually pirate his game
I'm doing my part.
tfw got $50k in savings. Pirate the fuck out of games I probably saved $5-$10k just by pirating.
>Why don't you support the hard working game devs?
I support indie devs tho
>why yes, i regard my personal entertainment as more valuable than the developer's success, how did you know?
wasn't gonna buy it anyway faggot
>pirate game
>like it
>buy it when it's on a sale
>pirate game
>don't like it
Did the new modern warfare ever get cracked?
I don't pirate because I'm paranoid and afraid of viruses
>pirate game 100,000 times
>sell back games to others for half the price
>devs lose millions and I make $500k
I pirate pretty much everything that's not multiplayer
you can piratefag a lot of multiplayer shit too, but it's just a pain in the neck and might as well grab it for a fiver on a steam sale
I'm a consoomer. I can't work up the motivation anymore to play vidya unless I've bought it. Help me bros
>Why don't you support the hard working game devs?
Because they don't support me.
daily reminder steam workshop is the strongest DRM known to man
this image is very funny to me
As a wise man once said
>A cuckold and their money are soon parted
>A turd in the hand, one if you sharted
>Filler? I hardly farted
That is not true. Kickstarter excluve rewards are the strongest DRM out there.
>pirate Battlefield 3 thousands of times
>CEO of EA contacts me and begs me to stop doing it, stock market is plummeting like a sack of shit
>agree but only if he forfeited his role to me
>he reluctantly agrees
>"the torrents? dump it. we have no need for them any further"
>now I command everything related to EA, stock markets are back and rising
I don't pirate any more as I have a job and plenty of money. My time is worth more to me than the effort of pirating.
This but unironically. I have been on neetbux for years but got over 10k cash saved up because I pirate everything.
You also seem to enjoy being a tech illiterate 3rd worlder
a rare skin or whatever is not comparable to ez access to a million billion mods for open ended games
yeah you can pirate workshop stuff, but isn't it a lot more convinient to press 1 button on the workshop instead
The only company that's acceptable to buy from is GOG because fuck frontloaders and fuck DRM I still pirate their shit though
imagine paying for movies, streaming services, music and also donating to some jewtuber lmao
save your neetbux for physical things you can stick your dick in, like women
>paying in advance for shit you don't know if you're going to like
Why, Americans?
>You don't pirate games, do you Zig Forums?
>Why don't you support the hard working game devs?
Because I'm not their CEO/HR/etc.?
>Why don't you support the hard working game devs?
because that's got nothing to do with me playing the video game
the less money they earn the more fat they have to cut off aka narrative designer trannies and women
I didn't mean that. I meant the fact that you can literally not find, for instance, the kickstarter-exclusive instruction manual booklet for Shovel Knight that was given only to kickstarter supporters and is not available to be bought. It's a literal fucking PDF file. And nobody uploaded it. At all.