For those who plaid through the flashbacks, who was a better dad in your opinion?

For those who plaid through the flashbacks, who was a better dad in your opinion?

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I prefer Flannel


Carlos you sonnaovabitch

Joel crime was saving Ellie's life kek you guys are retards

Left was a complete psycho, fuck him

why is big boss in that screen??

>gary stu dad who is the only person on earth who can create a cure


One was an actual dad who raised a daughter for 20 years, the other is a bandit who only helped Ellie because it was his partner's last wish.

joel was an actual dad for years too retard. also abby was only a teen during last of us 2

For guys who spend the last years spamming thread after thread about what garbage-tier-game TLOU1 was you seem pretty invested in TLOU2 story.

No he wasn't. Ellie hated him and didn't even talk to him until the dance and the scene at the end of the game.

*last of us 1

Very much this.

sara, joel's daughter you retard. joel was an actual dad for years too

user I

it was never implied that he was the only one (at least i remember that way)
But doesn't matter since they needed Ellie for creating a cure.

Joel was a very bad dad to Sarah. What kind of dad lets his daughter become a drug dealer.

What the fuck does it even matter in this context, retard? This is about Abby and Ellie.

nice goal posting retard. cope seethe and dilate


Abbys dad was a fucking retard who threw his life away on a meaningless gesture.
>knows he can't possibly stop Joel
>still picks up a scalpel and tells Joel he won't let him take Ellie
>does this despite knowing he has a daughter to live for
Dude should have just stepped aside and tried finding a cure another way, or send fireflies after them to try and get Ellie again

I'll take the one that wasn't pulled directly out of Neil Druckmann's ass and said to be a such a sweetheart to shovel his gorilla waifu on the audience

>one dad slices open kids for an antifa group who was clearly going to monopolize the vaccine for power
>the other dad saves kids and instead of trying to seek strength, dominance and influence over other survivors with his brother's self made settlement, he just wants to make sure Ellie doesn't grow up without a parent
Damn I don't know man, what a difficult decision. Regardless of how many people Joel dealt with to reach this goal, he will still always be a perfect father figure. Even in the apocalypse, Joel didn't even slightly give a shit when he found out that Ellie was a lesbian. He thought she was straight this whole time and seeing her kiss that jew didn't get under his skin or put a distance between them whatsoever. No, he immediately shoved that guy for talking shit to her about being a lesbian. Joel is a fucking DAD. He's dad to the bone.


there is nothing wrong with Abby's father. It's a father's duty to help their children. he sure as shit wouldn't have sacrified his daughter to make a cure but he would have killed a little girl is that would give hima chance to give a better future for his daughter.

Shame he couldn't find a better daughter than Ellie the whiny dyke. Damn shame.

none of them, Joel left jackson. on the right that's eugene after he got facial surgery and took joel's place.

It's funny because if Abby was immune he wouldn't have operated on her and would have protected her from anybody who wanted to. It's okay if he murders other children though.

the prospect of losing the opportunity to make the world a better place for his daughter is what drove him to take the scalpel and confront joel.

that's not funny, it's the reality. you would do the same.

They turned her into a whiny piece of trash in the sequel. She wasn't anywhere near as annoying in the first game. You can thank Kneel Cuckman for this abrupt change in character. I mean it is a shame that she's a faggot but still.

Course it is, which is why it's funny when people try to say the doctor was such a nice person and Joel's a monster

There's literal dialogue saying "the only man who could develop a cure is dead" and the person saying that is another scientist

Joel raised a lesbian so he automatically fails as a dad

Wasn't his and she was already a rug muncher before she met Joel

people are retards, joel and the doc were good persons.

And the other guy raised Abby.

at least she won't betray her race.

Doc was killing children but would have dropped that greater good shit if it was Abby. Guy was a piece of shit and hypocrite.

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>Raising her Jewish gf's half Asian son

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Joel was a chad who raised a daughter who was competent enough to buy him a watch while she was like 11.

The other guy raised a degenerate.


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no he wasn't.

What are you talking about? He was literally about to kill Ellie in the first game

Flannel and plaid are not the same. Although flannel and plaid often go together, flannel is a fabric; plaid is a pattern. Plaid can appear in any number of fabrics and colors, and flannel can come in a variety of patterns (although, unless you’re looking at flannel sheets or pajamas, plaid is by far the most common pattern on flannel).

>makes sure an asian male dies so he can't spread more of his genes
>will never get with a man and get impregnated by a non white

the only issue is losing dina, but let's hope she "locks up" Dina for good in a lesbian relationship where she won't get impregnated anymore and spread more jews to the world.

and it was to give his daghter a chance to live in a better world. this is a dad's role. this is what define if a dad is agood or not, nothing else matters.

Why couldn't Neil Druckmann implement something that allowed how you killed the doctor in the first game to be played out in the sequel? I would have loved if there was a cutscene where Joel awkwardly tries to get around him, stops, cycles weapons a couple of times, the shoots him in the foot and the doc ragdolls.

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>removes herself from the gene pool by not procrating
>dates Jewish dyke
>Raises half Jewish half asian girlfriends son

okay user lol

He was still murdering children and he still wouldn't do it if it was Abby. Monster and hypocrite.

But she left user, remember? Joel’s ghost haunted her in the barn until she snapped out of it and decided to stop betraying her race. Druckmann was obviously inspired by the Uncle Ben hallucinations in Raimi’s Spiderman.

He'd be a better David imo