What game has the hardest bowser fight?
I'm thinking world
What game has the hardest bowser fight?
I'm thinking world
Super Mario bros, New super mario bros DS, Super Mario 64
I haven't played all the Mario games but I was stuck on him for weeks in super Mario advance 2
World is what comes to mind. 3 is my favorite though
I love 3
>Gba port
Speak in boomer zommer
Bowser in 3 is the hardest, however not in the way you think.
One of the e-reader levels in SMA4 (that got released in the Wii U VC release) had a long ass Bowser castle level with Bowser at the end but the arena was diferent from usual. I got stuck in there for about a week
Probably Event 51 from Smash Bros
i was stuck on SMW bowser for months because i managed to get to bowser without ever knowing you could throw shit upwards. i felt like the shit when i figured it all out
galaxy 2