What game has the hardest bowser fight?

What game has the hardest bowser fight?

I'm thinking world

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Super Mario bros, New super mario bros DS, Super Mario 64

I haven't played all the Mario games but I was stuck on him for weeks in super Mario advance 2

World is what comes to mind. 3 is my favorite though

I love 3

>Gba port
Speak in boomer zommer

Bowser in 3 is the hardest, however not in the way you think.

One of the e-reader levels in SMA4 (that got released in the Wii U VC release) had a long ass Bowser castle level with Bowser at the end but the arena was diferent from usual. I got stuck in there for about a week

Probably Event 51 from Smash Bros

i was stuck on SMW bowser for months because i managed to get to bowser without ever knowing you could throw shit upwards. i felt like the shit when i figured it all out

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galaxy 2