When are we getting an e-celeb containment board?

When are we getting an e-celeb containment board?

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/incel/ – Internet Celebs

this isnt reddit
we dont divide boards because a few faggots dislike the content
learn to hide stuff faggot


>When are we getting an e-celeb containment board?

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>net positive in terms of board quality for several boards
>great for ads with all the autists that would visit

>we dont divide boards because a few faggots dislike the content
I mean...we do.
In fact we even split the entire userbase multiple times in different sites at many points in time.

>we dont divide boards because a few faggots dislike the content

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thats cool

I sincerely think /incel/ would be one of the bigger advertiser friendly boards and would attract a lot of newcomers too, hear us japmoot its free ad revenue


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>unrelated bullshit threads with hundreds of replies going on about Twitter screencaps of e-celebs is fine, only Reddit would divide boards
Bloody tourists.

Somebody summon Him.

This site is full of containment boards.

when the retard realizes how much more money he could make from kids

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Ohayoo newfag-san

>why are ecelebs not allowed on Zig Forums anymore?
2 reasons:
1. Because there's just too many of them around now.
The times where only a handful of youtubers were popular enough to warrant their own threads on Zig Forums have passed. Also, the amount of people who seem to only watch others play vidya (instead of playing vidya themselves) has increased exponentially over the last 7 or so years. These two events have resulted in a sizable group of posters that just can't be catered to anymore. Zig Forums is ultimately a video game board first, and allowing every eceleb with a large community to have their own thread on the board would result in practically no actual video game discussion occurring.
If you're really that desperate to talk about your favorite youtuber or streamer, then unironically go to reddit where each one of them has their own specific discussion forum you can post.

2. Because a lot of the discussion that goes on in eceleb threads isn't actually video games related.
The amount of people who actually discuss the video games their favorite ecelebs play is an extreme minority when compared to the amount of people who just want to spam twitch emotes, inside jokes, or (even worse) discuss the streamers personal politics or drama.
If you can't even be bothered enough to talk about the vidya aspect of your favorite eceleb, then why should your thread be allowed on the vidya board?

Baby, you're in it.

See /jp/ barely exists anymore. It's just porn celebs, e celebs and touhou shitpost spam. They killed it years ago when they let /q/ decide what content was allowed and now allowed on the board.

Fuck this faggot.

when we get an EEnE online roleplay board first

Fucking gold right there.

hopefully soon
i want them and the vcoomers out

and why is there a pokemon board then?

Based, fuck these retards

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because pokemon has trading cards, anime, manga , toys, hentai and games

is the biggest franchise in the world, meaning they would have pokemon threads on every single board

thats why they made /vp/, not because one board but because the whole site

Literally on reddit tourists care about this kind of this kind of dumb shit

zoomer need to die

I see e-celeb threads on /ck/, /g/ and Zig Forums all the time

Who on /g/? Terry? He was actually contributing to god technology though.

I would be for that idea, just not a board, a new website. Chan clones aren't too hard to make from what I've heard, and it would be better given they can categorize it further there

I will never understand why people here give them any attention

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because 90% of the board doesn't know how it works