>you will never experience that feeling of landing in firelink shrine and exploring the best designed world in the history of video games for the very first time
It hurts bros. Nothing is ever going to come close to this again is it?
You will never experience that feeling of landing in firelink shrine and exploring the best designed world in the...
played dark souls 1 for the 1st time a couple of weeks ago and im still playing now
currently on my 3rd build
it really is something special
First playthrough is always the worst.
OP here, pic unrelated, by the way.
Fuck off tranny, none of the other FromSoft games even come close to the level design of DS1.
That comfy feeling of sitting in the firelink shrine while the day is raining and I have a lot of highschool homework but rather play all day
DS1, BB and Sekiro are three of my favorite games of all time but I put DS1 at the very top simply because it's the only one of those three that I didn't get frustrated by on my first play through, I have never not loved that game. Whereas with BB and Sekiro I couldn't really appreciate them until subsequent playthroughs. Could safely call it the GOAT if it weren't for a few bosses and areas post lord vessel, maybe it still is.
Bloodborne, you senile old man.
Is demon's souls really that linear? Why does anybody praise that game?
>Is demon's souls really that linear?
Don't you know?
DeS does not have an "open world" map, like all Soulsborne games, it's literally a main hub with 5 teleport stones that bring you to 5 separate linear levels.