Will we ever get a part 3? If so how will the handle powers after death of the outsider?
Will we ever get a part 3? If so how will the handle powers after death of the outsider?
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uh spoilers???
>went full woke even going as far as involving anita
>studio founder left and is working on his own game
Arkane is dead.
>went full woke
Death of the outsider is literally the name of the third game...
>game has nothing to do with wokeness save from having a (optional) female main character.
Your point?
Never played 2 but really like the first one. Is it worth it? I have limited time to play games, like 2 hours a day
emily being mc didn't feel forced though, unlike most woke shit
> o-ok sorry to offend you, more woman in game
> not woke
>implying Emily isn't fucking awesome
Eat shit.
2 is really great, expands on the non-lethal options and Emily is fun to play as (Corvo is also playable).
Story is hit or miss but its a fun time. Best level design this gen.
>nothing to do with wokeness except that they dedicated resources and time towards makig a second playable character because of gender politics
>game released in a broken almost unplayable state but at least one player character has a vagina
Get fucked part 2.
You're not wrong but you'd have been better off linking the article about how the game basically had Anita Sarkeesian on board unofficially as a woke consultant. Also good luck arguing the point in any Dishonored thread. 90% of the games' fanbase is socjus, it's like arguing with a brick wall.
Emily was ALWAYS the main character. They added Corvo to appease brainlets like you who HAVE to have a straight white male. And the game was patched already. Go cry on Zig Forums or Resetera.
Personally, I love dishonored. I played the second game as Emily for the new abilities and such. I liked the second one.
Now that I have said that..
> fuck Anita she needs to die in minecraft
> fuck wokeness
> fuck moral grandstanding outrage
> fuck twitter
> fuck leftists, they need to die in minecraft
> fuck Burn Loot and Murder
> fuck trannies
> fuck jannies
> Black lives don't really matter that much
>shits his pants because a woman exists and is OPTIONAL
Change your diapees, they stink.
Also try playing the games you complain about instead of repeating what you heard from here.
That would've stupid, if user doesn't like women as leads then he shouldn't buy games with them. Personally I only like sexually developed female leads
Sadly these games don't sell particularly well and Bethesda/Zenimax are full of suits who need every game to move millions of copies to generate a sequel. Also one of the big guys behind Dishonored is gone and the other worked on Prey.
For me? It's variety in my main characters, not women or people of color.
Why do you care then, Emily doesn’t feel forced at all and her role as a new MC was even foreshadowed in dishonored 1.
Literally me
I can like a game and even like a character while also admonishing the shitty, morally righteous, and dogmatic social crusade being undertaken by leftists and twitter mobs.
Sure but I’m arguing that this game didn’t go “woke” for the sake of “wokeness”.
It was going to go the emily route and it was well done, what’s the problem then?
no they permanently ruined the franchise
dishonored was done thoroughly. I see no reason for more games. make something new instead
They are, deathloop looked very fun
Emily objectively has better powers than corvo
Is Death of the Outsider worth pirating? Keep in mind that I liked both games.
yes, it was ok
It's more of 2 with different powers. Story kinda wraps up the story for Daud and Billie.
deathloop looks like absolute garbage
its like they just added prey guns into dishonored and called it a day
sure are a lot of pictures of black people on the website
Is there any kino level like ''A Crack in the Slab''?
You should love it then faggot.
I like both of those so I’m fine with it
Bank Job for sure.
what was broken/unplayable about it?
i recalled my gtx 1080 getting like 55fps on high/ultra settings which was patched in like a week or so but the game was great otherwise.
outsider isn't the source of the special abilities, it's the void
yea and you'll get to kill them.