Why is the most iconic class in the series consistently shafted the hardest in every game?

Why is the most iconic class in the series consistently shafted the hardest in every game?

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That's...a good question actually.

They make melee classes viable in almost every situation, in every game. When magic becomes an after-thought the Mage class is just a less viable, less efficient warrior.

Because the spells don't scale with levels. Later in the game it costs the Black Mage MP to do less damage than what a Fighter can do for free.


I feel like FF6 was the only game in the series were magic seriously outclassed physical in terms of raw damage. But it's also one of the games without classic black mages, so it's bitter sweet at best.

Doesnt stop me from playing and using black mage.

This is based. Fuck casters, except melee/caster hybrids.

Vivi is a useful character up until the end though
Black mage is useful in V too
Lulu is garbage though and so is the black mage job in XII. terrible early game, great midgame and then becomes gimmicky again

I always saw his left sleeve as a little shield in the pixel art

Vivi with Doomsday and the full party wearing gear that absorbs shadow damage turns into a godlike healer/damage dealer hybrid.

Double flare is great and you can literally cast it again when using Steiner, that’s the kind of buff black mage needs in every game
The other user was right, by end game only dual caster/spellblade

Speaking of seeing weird shit, wtf are these things?

Attached: wtf is this.png (249x324, 6.02K)

Epauletes I assume.

black mage is such a cute character!

Yes! Cute, CUTE!

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Very based post.

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Black mage is the most powerful damage dealer in 12, provided you put it on Penelo.

But then you have to use Penelo...

good luck powerleveling at peninsula of power without a black/red mage

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>They make melee classes viable in almost every situation, in every game. When magic becomes an after-thought the Mage class is just a less viable, less efficient warrior.
That must be why SMN is one of the highest DPS in FFXIV

But regen already exists

Because mages were a must have in classic FF. Have fun dying over and over without a BLM in your party in FF1
>Muh red mage
Was a hybrid that could only learn up to a certain rank spell

But because of spell charges you couldn't even use your black mage until you got to the dungeon boss for fear you'd run out before then

>actually they're mandatory for this insanely specific method of playing in one specific place of one game in the entire series
you sure showed him user

I bought a new Armoire /Zig Forums

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>Because mages were a must have in classic FF.

>using him in final fantasy
>has the constitution of tissue paper
still fun tho

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8 leik wizard

She's a cutie though.

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