What went so wrong bros?
What went so wrong bros?
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I mean, she was 3.5/10 and now she's 1.5/10.
It's really not that drastic and you had a shit taste to begin with.
is that real?
They turned her into Robocop lmao
You can either have unattractive women in your dev team or attractive women in your videogame. You can't have both. The former will not tolerate the latter.
With every year the amount of Western influence over the company increased. It's basically another globo hobo Western woke AAA developer at this point with less niggers and trannies caused by logistics of being in Poland.
jesus how can the studio that made the witcher games fall so low?
this is how they all look without makeup.
For a supposedly ready game they sure cut a lot of features and make odd changes.
But hey, at least we get 5 different vagina textures that snoybros cant even see.
Chasing money, hiring to many women, major dev departures since finishing TW3 and bad promotions within the studio
>Next Gen
>Current gen
>Current console gen
We literally will never again get a game like FarCry that actually showcases what sort of graphical fidelity pcs can currently achieve huh?
The power of diversity.
No, the bitch on the right is the poster for some toy they're selling.
Post it to their twitter and ask them, or is this all just ineffectual screeching directed at nothing?
Why do studios keep committing the same mistake?
But not diverse enough tho...
This is sad to watch because it showcases very well that no matter how redpilled or talented your country is you'll end up like all those Western degenerates you despise the moment money gets involved.
no wonder all the info they release is about gender shit and vagina's
dev team is full of trannies and ugly hags.
probaly former bioware (andromeda) employees
>wanting to play female V
or because all the people that worked on the witcher games left the studio. and said studio then hires former bioware 'diversity' employee's
>hire women
>quality instantly drops over 30%
It is always the same...
>not playing a straight white male V with minimal augmentations and zero tolerance for street rats and corposcum
fuck janniggers btw
>being a fag.
>he says as he posts Becky the empowered white girl from a series nobody remembers
>in a 1st person game
Still looks like GOTG to me! Sorry Zig Forums but you're gonna lose again!
Yea, I'm sure polish employee from their polish monoculture know about integrating the diverse commiefornia culture specific to the game location. They totally dont need these fags right? At least complain when its needed ffs.
went from top qt to la creatura repugnante
what's the hottest woman in games?
wrong, it's not women it's untalented hacks who only get hired so the company can virtue signal.
look at looking glass, they had women in prominent position. It used to be about talent and skills, hopefully the market will correct this eventually when CDPR will telltale their asses.
I'd be embarrassed to bitch that the male character in a video game is too handsome. Even imagining it makes me cringe.
How would you even go about bringing that up at a dev meeting?
Why do they not have this same feeling of embarrassment when they cry about pretty women in video games?
Because I want to BE girl
>"""""guys""""" who don't self insert as unstoppable alpha chad
Lara Croft
Mai Shiranui
>self inserting into a work of fiction
Looks like Mass Effect Andromeda teehee
No its not, its the official corpo role advertisement.
remember dragon age inquisition?
they made sure to make all the female characters ugly with manjaws and terrible hairstyles
while making most of the male characters handsome.
of course then the sjw's still complained because Cassandra was straight option only
Oh how the mighty has fallen
>Mai Shiranui
>secretly like the lack of face sliders because I'm so insecure that I always give my characters a big nose and an overbite, just like in real life
Where's the Shadowrun game Lebowski?!?
They hired some fags from commiefornia and other in-game cultures to make it more accurate. Chill down lmao. You can't expect the polish-monoculture devs to know shit about how to make diverse shit feel real without being cringy. Look at Jackie, old character from before they hired the blue-hair fucks, there's nobody alive in US and A that speaks like that, hispanic or american, or anything inbetween. It's fucking cringy I hope I can kill off that character quick.
don't use the default character you retarded fucking shitposters
>remember dragon age inquisition?
Unfortunately yes. It's like they think nobody is paying attention. The males are hunks but the women are goblins.
If that was their intention, they could hire a consultant to tell them the ins-and-outs of LA instead of a whole team of developers from all over the world. Also it's a fictional sci-fi setting set in a post-California city state, it doesn't need to reflect LA in the real world 57 years earlier. So yes they totally don't need these fags.
Headcanon: they changed the canon female model just to piss off people like OP.
if the default characters they use to market the game are shit what does that say about the state of character customization
Same shit happened with Blizzard. They hired tons of women and blacks for "muh diversity" purposes, and their games just keep getting worse and worse.
nothing you fuck