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Samsora has reported that Nairo is safe from self-harm.

>some slut jumps on your dick
>you're the bad guy

>mfw Leffen takes all his twitch viewers

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Smash fans, why does everything you touch turn to garbage?

He shoulda known better then to let it happen.

In fact he did when he payed him off

>reddit spacing
go back

yeah, but still
when people call him predator or whatever it doesnt sit right with me

i would never have sex with someone underage but honestly it just doesnt seem like that big of a deal if the person is sexually mature, maybe im crazy but it seems like for most of human history this would have been a non-story.

Reason #6492 that Melee is the superior game. We only have weirdos that fuck their mom.

>la luna
hmm all of them have something in common but im not sure what

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>reddit posting reddit spacing
go back

What's the story? A 15 yr old sucked his dick willingly and now regrets it and is saying he's an evil pedo?

Isnt that a bad thing? Name one downside to a dead pedophile

letting crazy twinks ride your pony express can only lead to disaster

I agree he's not a predator, but he still fucked up

Who in the Ultimate community is even left with a modicum of charisma? Is Samsora's dumb ass the replacement?

they are all black besides nairo (and ally)?


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more than that, the guy practially jumped on his dick and initiated every step, every escalation and now is like "I'm tired of pretending this is my fault"
check out the images for what actually happened

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god how powerful is zack's pick up skills? he's been able to seduce people that im pretty sure werent even homos up until now. kid has got game.


Imagine thinking he’ll survive the purge lmao

American cancel culture and "pedo" outrage is approaching middle eastern "throw gays off buildings" levels.

Your culture is fucked and you're all cheering for it like barbarians.

Dabuz is based

CaptainZack is the devil I think. Literally a tempter and accuser. Let Nairo be a cautionary tale. Don't let yourself be tempted by devil, or you too could get sucked into their trap.

Imagine how the fags that gave donated hundreds of dollars to him must feel

Leff will be fine. Melee's most important figures will not get cancelled.


He got sucked alright

*FBI knocks on your door

Thus guy is literal scum. Nairo is still a pedo but this guy is scum. Didnt he blackmailed another guy too?

They are all non-white?

They unironically really think someone being attracted to 15-17 year olds is some fucking rare isolated thing and not something the majority of the planet does.

They also let them get away with shit constantly and never make them take responsibility.

leffen is a gay acnecel who already came back from all his sins

>new era of melee vs. ultimate is "you're stinky" vs. "you fuck kids"
I'm down with this

will this go on auto sage too?

Reading the logs makes Zack look more sexually mature and experienced than Nairo.

I bet Nairo isn't even gay, just had that somewhat androgynous thing grabbing for his dick and went "fuck it, might as well lose this virginity".

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Doujins with this feel?

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cue smash ult theme


Would never guess that he was gay. He did a good job hiding it

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>smashfags are all actually fags
Whoa, how could this have happened???

Sorry sir the smell disturbance violation is from the melee tournament across the street

>all of melees main players and protagonists have been in the community for 10+ years, nothing like that ever happened
>ultimatefags literal rapists few years in
well well well who would have guessed that eternal shit taste and brainwashing to like a game that is hot garbage just because a certain company releases it are mentally ill

Leffen is legitimately too much of an autistic narcissist to do this sort of shit.

Watch that edge bro

>saves future incel from life of wizardry
>is the bad guy

turns out everyone only put up with shitty smash games to get with the kids who dont know better

He's a dumb shit for not denying the advances of a 15 year old faggot. He could have just said no and he wouldn't have ruined his entire career. What a retard.

>I am not posting this with the intention of canceling Nairo. I simply wish to tell the truth about what happened.

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>willingly engage in sexual acts with a minor
>suprised when you get called out for being a pedo

wow whod of thunk it

First Ally, now Nairo? When it Captain Zack gonna get banned for doing this shit?

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we didnt get a call about the smell we came her about the fucking kids thing

It's easier to shove an issue under the carpet when there are no actors to the situation

>melee's most important figures

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aaaand his life is over

>god how powerful is zack's pick up skills?
virgins who can't get close to girls without spilling their spaghetti
+ teenaged twink offering up easy blowjob
+ staying with them in hotel rooms hours at a time

There's nothing special to it. Guys who were desperate and a gay twink putting his mouth on their crotch. Prison gay basically.


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after mango, yeah
hbox wins the tournaments but leff has the clout

>has been a top 10 player for years and years
>not one of the most important figures
go away puffbox

Scar, Toph, Ludwig, Mango, Armada, Leffen, and maybe Zain are the only ones that really matter. None of them will get cancelled.

yeah lol


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Hungrybox gets more views than Leffen these days

scar, toph, armada and zain are irrelevant in the current, grand scheme of things
mango, leffen and ludwig draw crowds

>Smash community is filled with stinky gay autists and pedos
Just burn it all to the ground

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Can i still sub to nairo?

These motherfuckers need to learn to keep their mouths shut and lawyer up.

He was only 20.


Alright the hammer and middle finger emotes made me laugh. not gonna lie.

Sad thing is nairo couldve easily gotten a decent gf, he had legions of fangirls
Somehow leffen and zero are the only assholes in this community with actually respectable partners

Did she fuck the kid or something?


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This wouldn't be an issue if sex wasn't so stigmatized

Why is he getting cancelled for getting raped?

It still is in most of the world. Americans are backwards moral puritans

That only matters when you're a female user. You should know by now.

Do you think Nairo is actually gay or that he just lost to the boipussi meme in a moment of weakness?

Imagine being gay AND a fucking pedo

like nigga pick a struggle LMAO

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