Now that the dust is settled, which was the better game as far as story mode is concerned?
GTA 4 vs GTA 5
5 is fun
4 was bad enough to not ever touch 5, so probably 5 was better
4 was always better that was the overall opinion back when 5 released and it's still the overall opinion now
4 has a better story but it really doesn't fit a GTA game.
I replayed both recently and 5 is much better for the variety alone. Three characters and the missions are pretty unique. 4’s missions genuinely boiled down to tailing NPCs or chasing them halfway across the map before getting into a shootout, 95% of the time. 4 has a better atmosphere but 5 has better gunplay, driving and graphics.
IV and it's not even close.
IV has more memorable characters. The faggot Roman calling about bowling and american titties has more soul and is more memorable than literally ANYTHING in V.
The missions in V are dog shit. There's a mission where you literally mop. This isn't a joke or a meme, you literally fucking mop. V is a joke.
We won't even get into how great the multiplayer was compared to V. Yeah you can do a bunch of bullshit but some fags will just end up blowing up your car or airplane with a fucking jet anyway. GTA IV was balanced and not catered to 14 years olds and 30 yr old manchilds with no jobs that can just grind all damn day. Also, loading into GTA IV and going to the airport and doing X-Games tricks on those little ramps was PURE FUCKING FUN.
I won't even get into the actual mechanics of the game and why GTA IV is miles better. The only thing that V has, is the fact that the graphics looks better, but it doesn't even capitalize on that because the setting is shit compared to IV.
As someone who recently played mafia 2 definitive edition and wants to play GTA 4, did 4's graphics aged well? I found mafia 2's good enough, even by today's standard.
I was disappointed by 4s lack of fun side-activities, missions also felt rather bland.
>Drive here while listening to dialouge
>Drive back leisurely or lose the cops
Ballad of gay Tony kinda addressed that if I recall correctly, still. Main-game left a bland taste in my mouth.
Haven't played 5, how is it actually? Is it fun`?
>played mafia 2 definitive edition
why would you play that fucking trash fire just play the original
Both are shit
Imagine playing Rockshit games
>Drive here while listening to dialouge
>Drive back leisurely or lose the cops
Why do you STUPID NIGGERS say this in every thread about specific GTA games? You are literally describing every GTA game. Literally all of them boil down to "drive here, shoot them, drive back, get paid" why act like there's more to the game than that? You just look like a retard saying that shit.
>5 has better gunplay, driving and graphics
>better gunplay and driving
No. It literally doesn't.
The textures were more detailed.
Fuck off crowbcat shill
5 is fun because you can dick around far easier and actually runs worth a damn, the weird cop AI annoys me a bit
4 is fun because there is a lot of shit in a small area feeling like there is more shit around each corner, the story flows better but runs like ass
I like 5 because I can do basically anything but the missions to have fun. 4 just feels really meh at times and reminds me I'd rather just go play Sleeping Dogs.
> GTA IV was balanced
4's online was essentially non existent outside trying to break and fuck the physics. The only thing I recall doing 1/2 the time online was trying to do some stupid glitch of the week.
why you so obsessed with graphics, the original mafia 2 was fine the way it is as it gta4's stop being a little faggoty zoomer and caring about how a game looks so much compared to what actually matters
The one where you don't spend 40 minutes stealing a dock crane
GTA IV store was way more interesting, with memorable characters and it felt like they were really trying to make you feel invested in the universe of the game, after all it is a very long one, but the missions gets too repetitive, especially at the ending.
GTA V is completely the opposite, the story starts of interesting but everything goes downhill after Trevor appears, he is just not a beliavable character and thanks to him i can't take the story seriously, everything that happens around him is absurd, also the characters were weak as hell, Michael starts off interesting but he is too much of a pathetic human being to you even consider sympathizing with him, Franklin was just boring and Trevor was a comic relief character in a game that was already comic enough. The missions of V in the other hand are way better, with more variety and more interesting set pieces.
I don't know which faggot vlogger that is but fuck you and him stupid nigger.
It was balanced in the since that none of the faggot shit from V mattered. You just loaded up multiplayer and had fun. You wanted guns? Just run around and find some to pick up. Niggers didn't have access to 4 million dollar guns because they decided to use mommy's credit card. The same modes that are in V are present in IV...TDM...FFA...etc etc. IV's multiplayer was simple as fuck, I don't deny that, but sometimes simple is fun and works. I can't recall a SINGLE hardcore fan of GTA loving or even liking the multiplayer in V. The only people I've ever seen like that shit are the normies who play sports games and CoD and the trannies over at /vg/.
the only reason they think it was better is because it was essentially a physics tech demo, check out Max Payne 3 if you want to see it being used well, 4 is not bad, just meh
post "that" webm, the one that is always used to start these threads.
Did you play V on PC? The driving and shooting feel incredible when you’re playing with m+kb at 144hz. IV’s PC port sucks so that might be influencing my opinion, but the driving and shooting always felt floaty in that game whereas in V they’re tight.
Anyone who says the missions in 4 are better must not be talking about the vanilla game because they were ASS.
4 out of 5 missions
>Nico go do this mundane task while I throw out dialogue to you oh shit you drove too fast and now don't understand the rest of it
>time filler bowling, dating, etc shit
>go drive here shoot this guy in a building no real difficulty aside from losing a cop 9/10 times the dudes just stand there near GTA levels of retardation
>okay nico you need to make a hard choice that isn't hard
People constantly forget the vanilla game and lob in the expansions to 4 without realizing how fucking much of a let down from SA and VC it was in terms of creativity.
driving is definitely better with controller on PC, pretty much everything but the shooting is better with controller on GTA
>everything goes downhill after Trevor appears
But him curb stomping that whiny faggot from Lost and Damned is one of the highlights of the series
GTA 4 being the best one has been the biggest meme ever since that YouTuber uploaded his comparison video. GTA IV is one of the most underwhelming videogames ever made. Clearly unfinished map, repetitive missions and a lackluster radio selection besides 2 stations.
>But muh tragic war veteran story
Stories premise is good but is executed piss poorly through its uninspired and repetitive missions.
>But its oozing with atmosphere and muh soul
Fuck off with your buzzwords.
>But there are more interiors than 5
Wow a laundromat I can walk into and do nothing in, so exciting.
>The characters are the best
There are 3 characters that you will remember by the time the credits finish rolling they are Niko, Roman and Little Jacob. That's when you realise there's nothing to do in the game once the stories finished so you turn it off.
Were the expansions actually good? I got so burnt out on the game by the end of the vanilla story, I uninstalled without playing the expansions.
strictly speaking about the story, 4 is miles ahead of 5. It's miles ahead of most other games though. Gameplay is generally better in 5 though.
I played more hours of GTA 4's multiplayer than I like, GTA V's economy does not matter in any way for guns. You have to be a literal brain dead retard not to afford a weapon in 5 or obtain one, if you are running out of money online just fucking lol you must suck horribly.
Both have their ups and downs but at least V runs without netcode that makes me question how this got approved
>best game in the series
>shittiest PC version
Feels bad, cousin.
Yes, they are better than the main game by far
The expansions actually had missions that felt more inline with what GTA had been doing up until then Gay Tony, biker gang, were solid. Most people who remember the fun missions in 4 are talking about the expansions/complete edition that had all that. The missions in vanilla GTA 4 are balls
IV's story was better and had a good sense of progression.
V's was okay, but it didn't go anywhere and Franklin stopped being a character less than halfway through so we could focus on Michael and Trevor rekindling their marriage.
Trevor is the worst character in the game. This nigga comes second.