Sonic curry
Sonic curry
Do americans really
Now I'm hungry!
I would try this but I'm on a diet. Gotta go fast.
fuck you
Go back to making more videos, Mecha.
Imagine the shits
I read somewhere that blue food on average is the least appealing for people since it's the hardest color to find in nature.
What's curry like? I'm a small-town Amerimutt and have never tried it.
I've heard that too. Makes sense to me. Sure there's blueberries, but I bet people had a hand in breeding them to be that color or something.
Blue skies.
Cheque please!
Will you be in for a wild ride if you eat this?
blueberries are FUCKING PURPLE
Eh, they're kind of in the middle. Like an indigo color.
>liquid bag of crisps
still healthier than your average americ*n food
Finally that cursed old pic get replaced
some fag on YouTube ate this and said it's actually pretty good
why is it that there are so few foods that are blue in nature? Besides things like blueberries
>What's curry like? I'm a small-town Amerimutt and have never tried it
depends if you're getting Japanese curry or Indian curry, which are the two most common types in burgerland. It's fucking amazing btw, you can get curry that's a bit sweeter, like Indian Panang curry, or more savory like Japanese curry, with big chunks of meat, potatos, onions and carrots.
I guess if you've never had it before, it is most closely like eating the inside of a chick pot pie with white rice
blue gatorade and eel
>blue gatorade and eel
Hi OP, nice joke thread you have here
That does sound pretty good. I'd like to try it someday.
unless you're really in a small town I'd like to think you could find a place that serves curry pretty easily. I'm in the middle of the deep south and even we have Thai, Chinese and Indian places close by
My town (or the surrounding ones) definitely have got to have somewhere that serves it. Think the Thai place in my town might, I've just never been there.
I made that joke on neogaf years ago and nobody laughed :(
How about hedgehog stew
Thai curry is really good too, they use coconut milk, so it has a lot of richness to it
You were too fast