She's actually pretty cute

She's actually pretty cute.

Attached: 1593633369176.jpg (3840x1712, 1.2M)

Remove her hair and she looks like a dude

Attached: Well Was It.jpg (640x616, 30.34K)

looks like a random amerimutt
guess your standards are low

has the facial features of a 11 year old boy, the body of a 40 year old man, and the charisma of a prostate exam.

Pale Goblina! Dios mio!

Literally built for bbc.

u just used her younger model,

Do you mean like this?

Attached: pbmzw48r3h651.jpg (700x454, 46.89K)


Cute swole teenage boy

Abby is so hot u guise

Attached: file.png (1000x870, 985.97K)

She is pretty damn ugly, but for some reason the idea of her beating me into submission and forcing me to have sex with her turns me on

I will now fap to your game

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Bro, abby smells like unwashed dick.

Neil Druckman doesn’t care about “cute”, only appeasing his imagined lower entity worshipping cult. Abby and Ellie are made to normalize ugly gender dimorphism. Basically, TLOU series is trying to go subvert Resident Evil 4’s core values.

You like Naughty Doggy? Dead dog soon.

Keep that shit to yourselves you degenerate fucks.


They brainwashing your brain, making you think this is what women supposed to look like so you will fuck a tranny.

She's underage there bro.


Attached: The Last of Us™ Part II_20200625160631.png (760x948, 1.21M)

rule34 with isaac when?

Based Abs triggering Joelfags, Elliefags and making Zig Forums seethe over a game they claim to not care about or play for months.

Looks like dis nibba from Excalibur

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Abby stole the show, based Naughty Dogs totally succeeded in brainwashing me.

this board is literally trying to gaslight me now

You have low standards

I know a guy that looks just like this except he has 50's greaser style hair.

She's fucking ugly.
Sad part is, it's not because of a bad maneuver by 3D team. They wanted to make ugly characters.

Attached: 84dc45c01d1a545068c2012edf3b02c2a47575afc7568df4d19bfdb231910de7.jpg (1680x1255, 274.46K)

Just... Look at this shit.

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they literally used real face models

so ? are you retarded ?
who picked the model do you think ?

the eternal je-

okay, and? "ugly" characters aren't allowed to exist? the guy is good looking at least

Nope. ND isn't into face-scanning, although they used some performance-capture tech. Characters are build from the scratch, that's why I don't get why they're reaching to this result.

They're not making beautiful with some default that makes thing realistic, they're doing full gross characters for the sake of pleasing SJW fatties.

Abby was liteally from a face scan model, same for Dina

Attached: UFZMa.jpg (350x263, 40.82K)

wtf bro? Abby's face clearly exists, she is or was a VFW artist at naughty dogs. many are fictionals but many characters had real face models

This is a 10/10 in muttland

>pewdiepie called her a goblina in his playthrough

fucking retard