Returnal looked pretty cool
Returnal looked pretty cool
Based, only Zoomers would disagree "because its muh karen simulator"
First time Ive seen someone say the name of the game.
>[insert new game] looks pretty cool
zzzzzz literally the most easily achievable thing for studios these days.
stop being baited so easily
nooooooooooooooooo you can't say that she's not anime enough she looks like some random adult woman instead of a hyper-idealised girl for me to jerk off to noooooooooooooo
it's literally muh karen simulator, pretentious cinematic garbage
you'll never be even a "random adult woman"
uh, hello Zig Forums? where are the (you)s?
Looked like a PS3 game and shitty boring TPS.
>you play as a 40-year-old woman
Who does this appeal to?
>playing as a Karen
look at this game sell 10k copies and jurnos will give it 9.5/10 BECAUSE WE NEED OLDER WAMEN IN GAMING NOT JUST HOT YOUNG GIRLS
Legit was hyped for this game before it turned out to be some particle effects shooter. Middle aged women are type of protag I don't see enough.
Posting superior sci-fi older woman.
>they show you some ultra HD closeups of some fictional wannabe Sigourney Weaver with some ultra serious tone and setting
>then they show you this
You'll never be a woman.
>Protagonist is a 59yo ugly ass dyke with dried ovaries
big fucking yikes brah
I'm curious if they're going to try and combine the two somehow, but until they show some gameplay proper, it's not much to talk about.
>third-person perspective
What did retard-kun mean by this?
this game is just a aliens version of eldritch,with 3rd person pov. prove me wrong
God there was so much forgettable shit at the PS5 event.
looks like something I'd enjoy immensely for
meant sundered,got confused cause its got an eldritch edition. called it eldritch
>12 minutes later
Hi, OP.
this but unironically
Alien-inspired retro visually impressive story trippy heavy emotionally intense psychological abandonment issues... but no! Time for OMG LASERS PEW PEW PEW! I can't believe I just saw that.
Guaranteed to be available “free” with PS+ a year after release.
Yeah, there's definitely no way a serious game could get away with shmup elements in this decade right?
Nier automata doesn't try to be a literal original boomer sci-fi alien clone movie you retard
>cinematic garbage
until the shooting starts.....
considering they made stardust delta,resogun and nex machina theres a good chance it will be kino