Well Zig Forums?
Well Zig Forums?
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video games
games is better than woman i guess
Even flirting with a girl can be claimed after the fact to have been psychological rape.
Video games.
women are gay
because Jews want whites to go extinct
>Men are having less sex because there's more misogyny than there was in the past
It's over.
I've had sex with 22 girls in the past 6 years (lost my virginity at 21), I've done my fucking part
because men can't just rape women and get away with it now.
Someone post the Henry Cavil bit on false rape accusations
I can either
>invest 20 minutes on entertaining a bitch for 5 minutes of sex
>play videogames, work out, then destroy my prefrontal cortex and 9 inch dick to anime cunny on the internet
literally video games
You get canceled if you even look at women today, not worth it. Just fap to 2D girls, they're better anyways.
White women are just done with white men
Gross, you probably have some kind of std
women's standards are impossible
anti-male laws and social standards
Increased hypergamy due to internet dating and ease of hookups.
Because no one wants to get metooed
I have my own place, a six-figure income, and can spend my free time however I want. Why would I want to give myself a sex addiction and throw all of that away?
You're kind of a whore, bro
get out and killyourself you unvirgin
Yeah, I wonder why they won't touch any woman at all.
i cum deep inside my girlfriend every time i see her. just get laid normalfags
As always, the answer is feminism.
Why do I eerily find that thought relaxing?
get the fuck off my board
Those young men obviously aren't playin Smash
>porn is more accessible than ever for men
>women believe men should make the first move, while doing so is extremely risky for men who could lose everything to false rape allegations
gee I wonder
>STDs are rampant
>ME TOO shit
The real question is: What are women going to do about it?
Disgusting wh*re
women are a lost cause
>misogyny is lowering libido
I guess macho men are all asexual then.
>for 5 minutes of sex
oh god the people who frequent this board
have you seen white """"""women""""" today?
The amount of the sex is the same, it's just less people are having more of it.
Women are unironically monsters.
Because nowadays if you're not a 6'2 muscular Chad you have virtually 0 chance of losing your virginity.
I'm waiting for a bright future where roasties will get BTFO'D by anime looking sexbots and artificial wombs
Because the two financial crises in twelve years destroyed any chance of escaping my working class life and with increased hypergamy due to online dating/apps women don't have to deal with me since men will have sex with women below their "league" because of convenience.
people in general have less sex.
because they have less relationships and less marriages.
Even if you hook up a lot, youre having less sex than youd have in a relationship, unless youre the top 2% gigachads, or more like it memelords that do literaly nothing usefull other than hook up with chicks and lift.
Why do you think this is? Gender relations are fucked due to the sexual "revolution".
Also people are more fractured, people dont date within their friends circles anymore. Most new couples meet on hookup apps, even the ones that dont just fuck.
We basically switched to a less optimal system because its convenient and were lazy. But in the end produces worse results. And all because were told we (the milennials i guess) have been todl wed be having so much sex with so many people.
Because gen Zoomer has problemised sex. You 20 year olds all act fucking weird about it.
Nothing? lmao why would women care if incel men were virgins or not
coping virgins
Surprisingly good post for a such an awful thread
I haven't had sex in 3 weeks and I'm going crazy, are there really people going months without it lol
Stunning and brave! Don't mind those jealous Anons, they just hate men. Your body your choice! You're allowed to sleep with as many people as you want! Your dick was meant to be shared! NO MORE SLUT SHAMING! MEN SEX LIEVS MATTER!
why would i want to have sex?
social media is the reason for everything being shit, no filters for removing political bullshit and controversial screaming. All that accomplishes is making everyone radicalized and miserable when they are forced to talk about politics/religion/insert controversy here 24/7.
ppretty much
yeah but even they are having less sex across the board because they arent in relationships.
Yeah the average woman screws tons of guys.
but how ofthen?
The only ones that are having a lot of sex are a.) people in relationships and b.) a few guys who got good looks and think with their dick
I've fucked a few boys and one girl accused me of rape and cost me my job
Been tested multiple times and I'm clean, as a male you're way less likely to contract any STD when compared to females/men involved in anoreceptive sex.
I know, I kind of love it t b h
I've been here since 2006, I'm still one of you just decidedly less beta.
Bro shut up
2D > 3D
20/80 rule, retards. Reminder that social media killed civilization.
normalfaggots be like
>yeah im more than happy to spend 2 hours of my day eating pussy
like how about you live for yourself you fucking losers lmao
>45 bodies
Just manipulate them into giving you what you want. Women are stupid af. Always have been, always will be. If you can't trick them then you're dumber than they are.
anyone who descrpies a specific number of girls is probably a virgin trying to sound cool
was about to write this myself , this is the only true answer
>look at girl
>get arrested for rape
>lose any attempt to prove innocence because you are a man
wtf why aren't men having sex??
jerking off is just quicker and less of a hassle really
Because women have rights and if they have rights they do not like to spread their legs for average men and even less for the lesser uglier poorer men. Take away women's rights and get rid of affirmative action and watch how this all corrects itself with women having NO choice but to suck the dick of an average man and they having to feel grateful that they can do it just to survive and be fed a decent meal.
How does sex happen? There is a chain of events that lead to sex.
1. go to a place where there are other people
2. meet a femoid who is available and receptive
3. court her
4. woo her
5. seduce her
6. actually go somewhere and fuck
Steps 3-5 require some kind of activity to be taking place, as well. You can't just have 1-on-1 conversation with them, you need to be doing something for it to work (e.g. playing sport, painting, drinking in a bar, dancing, whatever).
Interrupt any of these steps and the sex doesn't happen.
1. go to a place where there are other people? why leave the house when i have my internet and vidya right here? who has time and money to fuck around when we're all up to the eyeballs in debt and studying 12 hours a day for jobs that won't exist in 10 years time
2. meet a femoid who is available and receptive? not fucking likely. females only date up in social status and men are dropping out of careers and education like flies. it's not a huge factor, but there ARE less available women around these days.
3. court-woo-seduce still work as normal
6. actually go somewhere and fuck? the shitty economy means more people than ever are still living at home
That's why less sex. Not to mention step 0 - actually want sex in the first place. The modern man cooms at least twice a day to crusty internet porn. That's a bit of a boner killer. Premodern man spent every hour of every day with a low level of sexual need permeating his body because cooming was imagination-only and (in many cases) not allowed by the church.
It's symptomatic of the broader breakdown of society. People are fucking less because our society is in freefall. You will know it before the end.
Women are fucking repulsive
>misogyny is a thing
that's why
Absolutely this. The economic recoveries absolutely bypassed young people and they just don't have the time and resources for real relationships anymore. Also, Casual sex has existed before apps m8, the bar was Tinder before Tinder ya'know. Ever hear the old jokes about getting drunk and being stuck with the fat chick?
Because men don’t want fat, rainbow haired feminists, nor do they want trashy thots with sub-80 IQ.
There’s a reason why Projekt Melody BTFO every camwhore.
>this is your average Zig Forumsirgin
feels like less men are getting more sex but the men who do get sex end up having more sex with more girls. just comes to show that even more men are losers these days and its all the fault of the guys, which it is. yeah women should not become single moms and should lose weight (burgerland here) but more and more guys are just becoming less desirable while the desirable ones are getting more attention.
this is of course only applies to guys and girls in their 20s
I should mention court-woo-seduce don't work totally as normal, because the demographics of the people out doing activities and the types of activities they can afford to do have changed for the socio-economic factors I outlined.
Why doesn't hypergamy work the other way? Why do men settle for less than what they should?
Because let's face it, sex is extremely overrated. It's only slightly more gratifying than masturbating, and not worth the trouble of dealing with women.
Surely young women are having less sex too though??
>flirt with woman
>got accused in rape
lmao, read that article by >HuffPost just now. Total roastie seething that other women arent joining the SJW cult instead
fuck off
Gross. Why would you demean yourself with whores this way?
i am literally smarter than him
>girl regrets having sex with you
>cries rape and ruins your life
i dunno man why are they having less sex
No, not really.
This is blatantly false by the way. The ratio has stayed roughly the same, it's just that most virgins used to be sent to the frontline in some war to die. It's still roughly 25% of men having sex with upwards of 50+% of women, which is what skewers the perspective of anyone who isn't looking at this obvious fact.
me and my girlfriend broke up after 8 years and now I dont want anyone else.
I know it existed before, but you had to do it in person so your potential pool was much lower. Now the pool is much higher so your competing with many more people and the standards go up because of it.
dude you cant post my pic on the internet thats my bedroom you fucker man what the hell
>its way worse for lgbt
So the fags are more abusive to each other? That must suck.
Dangerously based.
men are fatter and lower testosterone filled than ever thanks to the awful modern diet
todays women aren't what they used to be
who is tracking how much people have sex anyway, how do they know? polls? people like in polls all the time
>look at a female univited for half a nanosecond
>immediately castrated by my mandatory all in one chastity belt and prostate massager
How does that work? If men are having sex less, surely women are too?
Women earnings tend to matter very little since it doesn't fuckin' matter the man's gonna be paying for everything anyway.
Forgot to add that some women use apps as a self esteem boost and don't even try find people, just want to see all the likes to know they're valuable.
W*men now days are all mentally ill people who were abused as children and will abuse you if you get close to them. Men are just smart enough to avoid them and protect their own sanity.
3D women are NOT important!
there will always be losers/incels/virgins/creeps or whatever new name comes out, same thing just differend names. but guys like guys who know what they are doing (unless youre a 14 year old Smash Bros player) generally speaking, both in and out of the bedroom. its better to have experience at things, which includes knowing how to treat a lady and whatever.
a smaller portion of men are having a lot of sex
Because women have less sex after seeing what a relationship is about, sex is a big part but at the same time a minor part in making it work.
Meanwhile most guys never get to experience any of it, not sex, not relationship, not arguing or fighting with a loved one, it's not as easy for guys to find sexual partners so they want sex so they turn to porn while its the opposite for women, most of them get all the sex and relationship they want any time they want and they see it's not that great so they can be more selective.
>lost my virginity at 21
you might as well be a perma-virgin
this implies women dont live like total slobs
Porn is to blame.
Women depend on men. Men don't depend on women. Therefore women care a lot about their mate and men care very little. That's why women are the selective partner.
I used to think about how absolutely lazy and boring I was. Then I met my ex-gf. And she was 10x worse. The only thing she cared about was attention (from me) and clothes.
Women are even more boring then men.
Most women aren't trustworthy enough to invest time into. So would we have sex with them? Even some chads are starting to side with incels on this shit.
I don't want to get accused of things I didn't do.
>blatantly off-topic thread
>already over 100 posts
Do mods literally just ignore reports from Zig Forums?
men are still being value eval'd with our new society, but it's looking bad for the bottom 70% of men
sorry bro
This is well thought out and informative without being accusative of ALL MEN etc. If you have a problem with this then you are an incel who can't think of women as human beings.
>mfw people getting booty blasted over nothing
I'm definitely a virgin whoops you caught me
I aspire to be you my friend, where are you finding these dumb bitches?
Honestly very true, sex is only really pleasurable when its with someone you care about.
Some were whores, some were virgins. They all sound the same with a thick dick in them.
because we're scared of everything, generally, more than we used to
also sir Jacky Stewart, f1 driver, once said something very amusing along those lines :
' back in my days ( '60s ) sex was safe and racing was dangerous, now its the opposite.'
if you want the real redpilled answer, it's the age of consent
God, it's only a 15 minute old thread, user. Give us a break.
Kill her and keep in your freezer. Then she'll always be close to you.
Already had sex. Video games are better and women are whores and bitches.
>announcing your reports
Reported :)
Women need to find a consistent narrative and stick to it. But we all know the female brain is a big tangled mess of contradictions and literally cannot be satisfied no matter what she's given or who she's with. The female exists to antagonize and she antagonizes because she exists. If she is given the Earth she will soon demand the moon as well, and when given the moon she will demand the stars. Thus we can conclude that any man giving into her demands is a dumb simp and sowing his own demise.
Look up Pareto optimization
This. Life is about manipulation, if you can't lie then you are better off killing yourself. There's no reward for an "honest" lifestyle besides the massive cope.
yeah their percentage is going up too, but its what said, less guys are getting more of the sex. guys not having sex is way more common than girls not having sex
Tried several times, failed miserably and decided to direct my efforts into hobbies. I just had too high standards while not offering anything I guess
Nigger I can't even go out and nobody will let me within 6 feet, how am I supposed to fuck anyone?
Bad analogy. All I want is for humanity to take the stars but we are too focused on retard shit and destroying ourselves to advance into space.
had sex already, its good but its not good enough to risk flirting with some cunt that will try to end my career with false rape allegations, I'd rather play video games or draw
>have consensual sex
>turns out it wasn't consensual at all years later
yeah nah
Alpha fucks, beta bucks.
Just be over 6 feet and it's easy. Especially if you live in a place with lots of hot latinas as the guys will always be shorter than you.
Simple women are whores.
I fuck dogs. No jokes lmao
He's not wrong, if you don't crash while racing, your car isn't going to come out of nowhere and kill you 20 years after the fact.
Because there are more things to do for fun now than just having sex.
>Pre-marital sex
we don't have the technology (or physics understanding) to go beyond our solar system in any meaningful capacity
Because I have my 2d waifu and my right hand.
The literally only quickly ban video game discussion. Porn, ecelebs, and Zig Forums are the only acceptable topic on Zig Forums.
women are unironically fucking boring
>irl woman swoon over me at work and gym
>on dating apps cannot get a single like even from ugly fattos
what am i doing wrong :(
women just arent interesting. i can easily get sex on tinder, but honestly, it isnt worth the pain and effort going through all the social formalities.
This is what it used to be:
>5% are chads and fuck 10% of women
>75% are normalfags and get one woman each
>the remaining 20% of men die as virgins
>the remaining 15% of women become prostitutes
And this is now:
>15% of men fuck 45% of women
>30% of men get one woman each
>the remaining 55% of men are more or less virgins
>15% of women become prostitutes, 10% become bitter cat ladies
>splitting your soul in 22 parts
OLD is broken mate, its filled with bots
> women are massively paranoid
> somehow this is men's fault
We’ve evolved
>Using dating apps
Why would I have sex when I can fap to anime girls like pic related?
You're a retard OP
SaVe SoMe FoR mE yOu FuCkInG bIgOt
>there are unironically males who never had a sexual encounter by the time they turned 18
>not even a paid whore
Men, if you can even be called that, what the fuck is wrong with you? How did you fail one of the most basic expectations of life in a society that practically hands out sex? You're not a lion or bird, you don't need to actually compete with other men for sex, and yet you STILL failed. How in the fuck?
>announcing to report a user that announced a report
the only winning move is not to play
>meme savvy
>various hobbies
>not a manlet
>not a dicklet
>stable income
Where the fuck are my free hole-
Aw fuck
I'm going to SEA and fuck as many prostitutes as I can if I don't have any luck by the time I turn 30.
Female sexual liberation and readily available anodyne
Rape accusations have scared a whole generation out of sex.
>doesn't like memes
absolute dealbreaker
Maybe if women didn't practice dysgenics, we would already be there.
I'm a 30 year old virgin. If 21 makes you a perma virgin where do I stand lol. Still live with mom and lost my job to covid 19 btw
I'm not going to remodel my entire being to pander to someone else. Fuck that.
A few reasons actually, and I'll go into not too much detail.
My mother always told me fat chicks are horrible in pregnancy. This simply formed me to have absolutely 0 interest in fat(what I see as such) women in my life.
I have no real reason to fuck chicks. I can beat my dick just fine, and not give a shit. Women are costly/noisy/lack rational thinking skills most the time sadly. This comes with not a lifetime of sitting behind a computer, but being a social butterfly for most my life. I switched that the moment I realized how fucking pathetic that life really is, and how fucking pointless chasing women is.
Finally, as someone who decided to kick a whorish women out of his bed instead of saying fuck it. You are much better off not wasting your time trying to chase after losing something that never mattered to anyone other than those whores you were chasing after.
I think that's the kicker, is realizing that everything you do is to impress a bunch of used sluts. There are many more reasons as to why, but that would take more walls of text, and that is too much time I have already devoted to women.
Thx for coming to my TED talk
>you don't need to actually compete with other men for sex
Women don't want to have sex with me
you should try something other than pegging now
I was told not to have sex by my Christian parents and so I didn't.
>How in the fuck?
Wizard here. Some of us just have nothing to offer.
Women are assholes
I'm legitimately afraid to be with a woman because of shit like this, and I refuse to ever be alone with one.
>Rape accusations have scared a whole generation out of sex.
Not to mention that a mere accusation gets you blacklisted from everything
100% of women become aging single mothers whos settling down after whoring out
>thread was at 7 posts when I started browsing here
>thread is now approaching 200 posts
This place is a garbage dump. If you like wasting your time here by all means but holy shit there has to be a point where you realize "this is a waste of time" at some point.
For me, it's because I never bothered. I find it much less of a hassle to be alone than to put in the effort to be in a relationship.
so what youre saying is that there are more chads overall. yeah that does make sense ever since gyms became a thing and more and more guys were able to get 6 packs and huge muscles like Captain America in their late teens early 20s (not that they didnt exist before)
Men just aren’t very fun to be around. It’s hard to get into a relationship when every guy you meet has no zest for life, no passions, no goals, etc
I've had girlfriends who get upset when you masturbate because they didn't want to put out.
Also they love asking the relationship ending question:
>What's more important, me or your video games?
They never like the answer I give them.
>that guy who does 40 mins of foreplay and 3 mins of actual sex to make a women feel "special and loved"
>flirt with girl
>fuck her in one week tops
>find out later she has boyfriend
>he finds out about you
>she claims rape after the fact
>now you're the girl in prison for 10 years
Cope, incel. The nazis had tons of sex outside of marriage in their conquered territories.
I want the humanity to be quarantined on their dump planet until they defeat their monkey nature