>botw clone
Now that's out of the way, let's talk about this video game.
Genshin Impact
>best character is a shota
dare i say based?
He based in the comic
I can't wait to play it. Too bad I didn't get in the beta
Why would you start the thread with bait if you want to talk about the game? Seems like it's counter-intuitive. But 40% of the thread is usually baiting BotW fans anyway.
Why does a single player game need multiple closed betas?
you can play coop with other 3 people
is it weird if I want to fuck that
Imagine being a guy and looking like that
>got a 5* spear
>don't have a spear characters
I feel absolutely blue balled
Im am so hyped.
>chinese BOTW ripoff gacha
Now that we established that it's garbage, what do you want to discuss?
I love gacha!
I started it yesterday on PS4 but the performance isn't too hot so I didn't play much. Planning on getting back to it tonight.
What platform did you want to try it for? I get the feeling they sent more out to those who listed PS4 since they seem to really want info on how that's working out. In the email they recommend playing on it.
Xiangling is free.
Because they are actually trying to make a good game. Crazy, I know.
So we don't need to be reminded again about what the game has by obsessed shitposters.
>Annoying flying loli navi stand in named after the demonic king of secrets
was it from the gacha or open world?
Yeah that's what I figured but I still don't see why you'd need so much beta testing for single player coop.
At least it's the first time I've heard of it.
At least you can save scum with those and can't get dupes once you get a unique piece of armor.
Nerf fucking Lisa!
pet is cute
Honestly, I would prefer to play it on my PC or Switch. I applied for both pc and ps4. But no everyone is lucky. A friend of mine got in the beta and he is having a blast. The funny thing is that he though it was an MMO, and I've seen a lot of people thinking that it was gonna be an MMO.
>this bait again
Does it have a story? How would switching characters randomly work with the story exactly
How shitty is the performance?
I thought about getting it on PS4 to share and coop.
it could have improvements over botw like better graphics but ive already played botw why would i want to play a shitty clone of a game i already enjoyed
>it on my PC or Switch
Why not on mobile?
I've been following Mihoyo for quite a while. I'm going to assume this game is F2P and it's purely gacha. Fuck me man, I was looking forward to a good, similar version of BOTW
mobile in 2020?
>horrendous taste
You always have a group of 4 character you can randomly switch too during combat. The story has protagonist guy/girl as one of the 4 in the team.
You switch to your MC every time a cutscene happens.
It's not unplayable (to me anyway) but it very frequently struggles to keep the framerate. Lots of drops in the short time I played.
Whats gacha about it?
I playing PSP and DS on mobile. And it still will have more FPS than Switch.
most characters and 5* weapons can only be obtained through it
about 4* and 5* chara and weapons 3*-5*. Dupes gives permament abilities o characters, like doble arrows.