When did you realize that chain of memories was the best one?
Kingdom Hearts
It never was. 2 is always going to be the best although 3 and 1 are good too
shut up
1 is better than 2
2 > 1 (can be swapped as 1 > 2) > CoM GBA >>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>> all the other spinoffs and 3
3 is dog shit.
358/2 days > kh2 > chain of memories > kh1 > birth by sleep > getting your kneecaps broken > 3
i havent played the others yet
>358/2 days > kh2
im unironically laughing my ass off reading this 358/2days has the worst combat of any of the spinoffs after BBS. You have the worst state I've ever seen
i like being able to roll, which you cant do in kh2 unless you transform into your hyper whatever the fuck form. also i like these games for the story. why dont you rank them
3's data organization is better than 2's but overall 2 is a better game.
2 => 3 > 1> BBS > DDD > the rest
It's not, but it's an excellent game and the series' most erstwhile pleb filter.
Put BBS after the rest and you have my general opinion, though 3's strong points do really close the gap between it and 2 hard and I'm this close to making that a =. I also need to replay DDD since I can see it also becoming better.
kh is the worst franchise ever made
>358/2 days better than any other game
>Game that features some fanfictions authors shitty tranny OC
>Roxas gets sidelined in his own game
>Game that jumped the shark completely
Yeah, no
2 is best simply because it had the best gameplay and a satisfying conclusion. It's a shame about the level design though outside of cave or remembrance
>358/2 days >
Imagine actually believing this.
How can you discard your own opinion that hard?
Never actually played 2FM despite owning it since I bought the All in One collection is one extra area really that noteworthy?
Before i played BBS and realised that's the best
>358/2 better than all of them
I like Donald and Goofy and the Disney worlds and the combat lmao
You don't have to play the series for the plot. You can play it for the other elements.
everyone hates kh
The new difficulty and super bosses make it fun as fuck.
the plot is shoved in your face too much to not care about it. It being poorly told and filled with "woah dude isn't it cool how I tossed in all this shit only to resolve it in the worst way possible" drags the series down by a large degree
>the plot is shoved in your face too much to not care about it.
It's called pausing the cutscene and then choosing the skip option if you so desire.
There's a bit more to it than that, but essentially the content and difficulty added work to actually help bring the game's already fantastic systems, mechanics and enemy design into the spotlight. Naturally it ain't perfect, but what it achieves is truly incredible and it turns the game into the masterpiece it's meant to be.
This might actually be the worst take I've ever seen in the 12+ years I've been lurking this board.
2 > 1 > 3 > Coded > CoM > DDD > Re:Com > Days > BBS
1 = 2 > CoM => Days > BBS > 3 > DDD > Coded
Melody of Memories looks FUN
>Game is an RPG
>Stop playing the story game for it's story
Days should've gotten remade and CoM should have been just a movie
2FM > 1FM > 1 > 3 > 2 > BBS > CoM > Days > Coded > DDD
When I opened the GBA version and saw that I accumulated over 100+ hrs as a kid on one save file alone.
Days should have been deleted along with that other Roxas clone trio.
I honestly don't get why people like to jerk off days so much.
Honestly I don't even get how people can think it isn't the worst game in the franchise outside of the shitty mobage.
The combat is a fucking mess, each keyblades has it's own combo chain which goes all over the place which makes you whiff a good third/half of the time and there is barely any hitstun whatsoever
The enemies are damage sponges who have like up to fucking 6 bars of health.
Just imagine fighting these fuckers, but they have 7 bars of health, there is no hitstun and your keyblade flies all over thet place which makes half of your combo hits miss, they also fly away all over the place which makes the other half of the combo miss and if you are playing on proud you do chip damage while your at it also there are like 7 of them you need to kill.
Don't even get me started on bosses like ruler of the sky.
The mission system is a tedious mess which all boils down to "kill x amount of heartless/kill heartless y" or "examine random places in the map"
Roxas is pretty much a spectator in his own game and his entire world revolves around Xion.
Xion is a garbage characted who feels like a selfinsert donut steel which says a lot considering this is KH.
She is the secret 14th member if organization 13 who looks like kairi, can use the keyblade and is also the secret 3rd best friend of Axel and Roxas two very popular character who had a well and beloved established friendship in 2.
Her entire character arc is a retread of Roxas' character arc in 2.
So instead of getting to actually know the other organization members all we get is Xion angsting about how she is unwanted and shouldn't exist eventhough that is the entire schtick of the nobodies, but this time it is extra sad, because she is a replica which isn't even original to her because repliku did it first and better.
I fucking hate that game.
It's very fucking telling when the best keyblade combo in the game is the basic 3 hit combo you start with.
This has got to be the ultimate fucking cope for this series. You're trying to pretend you've played like 8 press X to win games and several gachas and soon a rhythm game solely for, something. Define the "other elements".
The ARPG gameplay, the music, the Disney fanservice, the aesthetics, etc. And no, I never played any of the mobile games and I don't see myself doing so. Not everyone plays every game ever for the same reasons. Some are going to get invested in the series for different reasons and that's fine. If you don't like the series because of the plot, fair enough, but to say that's the only thing the series has is disingenuous.
I havent cared about KH since recoded. When Nomura started doing that data sora shit and making the plot convoluted as hell for no reason it annoyed the shit out of me. There's no reason for Sora's story to continue after 2. He should've ended it there. He could've easily taken the franchise and put a new MC in and put him in the KH universe like hes doing with Yozora. I have no interest in the story of whatever game yozora is in but if it comes to PC i will play it.
I replay 1 & 2 every year just because the gameplay is fun. There are a bunch of fan mods that make the game fun but I can admit the story is shit past 2. The only thing that matters to me is how much fun a game is and kingdom hearts 1 and 2 are a lot of fun to play.