>-15 public order due to lack of corruption
>-20 due to conquest
>-10 due to provincial instability
>-5 due to events
>-4 due to difficulty level
Man playing any kind of vampire is so boring, why the fuck do I have to babysit every region, and wait out corruption?
Why the fuck is corruption spreading so fucking slow the early game? You would think due to them having A FUCKING ABILITY PERFECT FOR UNDEAD SUPERMARCHES
they would play faster than they do now.
-15 public order due to lack of corruption
vampires r gey
Farm those rebellions for sweet xp points. When you research 0 upkeep skeletons you can leave armies dotted about anyway
Yeah. Only a retard wouldn't gun for 100% upkeep free skelly boys.
they still need a lord tho
and for some reason CA thought it would make sense to increase upkeep for ALL ARMIES just because you get a new lord
lmao just sack some stuntie settlements you poorfag
>Gor-rok with the sword of khaine
Those dark elf shits knocking at my north border are about to have a REAL FUCKING BAD DAY
Public Order is a crock of shit for every faction.
There is no going tall in TWWH, it's completely based around fast, aggressive expansion and needing to babysit every province for 10 turns after taking it completely stifles that, on top of the AI almost never needing to deal with the same issues that slowly expanding or keeping to a small area come with.
multipliers mean shit to 0 cost. Anyway just farm them and aim for wind of death upgraded asap
in like 200 hours of tw 2 I dont think I have ever used anything else than occupy
no sacking, no occupy and sack, no raze
You're a tinybrain then
Dark elf sacking for slaves is good
It can be harsh for corruption factions, but there are buildings that spread it to nearby provinces, heroes and lords that increase it and standard bonuses to public order to help mitigate it. Problem is no one picks those because they feel like they have to min-max their lords and heroes for very specific roles because "it's the best".
Counts definitely have it the hardest, though, especially since their gameplay pretty much relies on the early game rush or be quickly overpowered by stronger late game factions.
I really want to like Vampire Counts but Wind of Death spam gets boring fast.
it's very easy to go tall with Vampire Coast, especially Noctilus
dunno i play on legendary and just see no need for it
I know you can cheese sacking settlements for ez exp but even on legendary you dont need any cheese to beat a campaign
>Wind of Death spam
Then don't pick it, retard. I don't pick it out of principle.
are the Weapon Strength and LL defeat trait bugs fixed yet
>Sacking and risking the enemy retaliating when you can go full Sherman and raze every settlement on a warpath to their capital
I play as Izzie nowadays get her army at max vamp heroes on nightmares
Honestly depends on who you're fighting against for the raze everything tactic to work. In Empire lands, you may as well just forget about it, because Empire is programmed to ignore everything for that sweet, sweet ruin cap, so you basically just whack a mole forever.
wats dat
You are like a baby. Watch this.
Which FTV girl is that?
>buffs don't affect weapon strength
>you only get the LL defeat traits from autoresolve
the only way to enjoy the game is by cheesing it
melting 4 stacks in siege battles with one plague priest makes my dick so fucking hard
I just like running 8 artilery units and just watching the bombs go bsdasdsad boom haha
>the only way to enjoy the game is by cheesing it
I may be biased and spoiled by CK2, conditioned into thinking that I don't need to "win" to have fun with the game, but I rarely ever go for a campaign victory. In short, I disagree. You can have fun if you're not a sperg over efficiency.
Grand Strat is based around losing and the emergent gameplay that comes from it, in CK2 you can absolutely recoup your losses even if you lose a major war that takes 75% of your provinces away.
In Warhammer though, if you lose one major battle in the early-mid game, your campaign is straight up over, the AI will steamroll you without letting you do a thing about it.
Depends on the difficulty, how well you scout and plan for the worst, imo. I rarely ever lose in my games because I never feel rushed to do anything, and my own win conditions often mean I'm finished with a game just short of that "I'm so strong I can just steamroll everyone now over 200 turns", which I never do because that's boring as hell.
well that's mainly because warhammer 2 is highly unbalanced in units, races, magic, legendary lords, traits
If you're going to play the game on harder difficutly "fairly", you're going to get fucked, no question about it
so you cheese it, and that's how you have fun in this game, because you manage to break the game even more that the ai is