What happen to the white male protagonist?
White genocide
Just make one in the character creator bro lol
there's still a lot, what do you mean?
Also, why white genocide? Ellie is white
>Female protagonist
No thank you
In gaming the main character must be black, gay , a tranny or female. Back in my days they where side characters
Why does it matter?
Because I don't what to play as a nigger or tranny.
>"What happen to the white male protagonist?"
I love deacon, he's an autistic fuck but he has personality
This the last non-pozzed sony game. Bend staff is probably getting replaced by trannies as we speak
Shut the fuck up, holy shit, there are still a million white male protagonists.
Long story short corporations are trying to market their games to a wider base as they think its an untapped market. Now their trapped as if they swing back it'll prompt outrage mobs.
this but unnironically
There should be a report option for veiled Zig Forums threads
Lmao, just, lmao. Hide the thread if you don't want to participate in it. Best case scenario, it will just die out. Replying on them threads just bumps it and so, you literally are making it more visible to more Zig Forumstards.
recent exemples
>RDR2 (two white males as protagonist actually)
>Death Stranding
>Disco Elysium
>Days Gone
>Asscreed Odyssey
>Uncharted 4
>The Witcher 3
>Mario Odyssey
>Persona, BotW, Sekiro, KH, FFVII (character is white coded, you are ok to dismiss these)
Why are white men so fragile? No wonder most trannies and gays are white, you guys are mentally weak by default.
you just don't get it.....
watch out user, dont say the truth in these parts or you are going to make whiteboi shoot up a school
>most trannies and gays are white
Unironically Asian and Hispanic.
Everyone is virtue signaling but most falter in creating appealing characters that are non white. Hell look back at 7 gen, most of the white guys were generic but had gruff appeal (u can insert any race but the dev think most gamers want normal looking ethnic characters or wearing their culture like a giant disco ball).
ps not complaining about the rise of non white characters but make them appealing. Strangely the japanese seem to pull this off good.
Thais invented trannies you can't even tell they're men cause asians are all feminine with micropenis
Fuck off back to r/ the_Donald and stay there
>Black male higher than white female?
I can't believe it
why dont you tell that to the nigs? everyone prefers a white male protag because it communicates competence right off the bat
It's an issue I fear the new halo will have. Equality between genders is fine with me, but representation is a big issue. A mentally ill woman, or tranny or even a female villain cant be bad because it hurts the culture.
>Jen SIMPkins
You can't make this up
>we will never know if Ellie’s immunity can be passed down
Is this why she was made a lesbian from the start?
Imagine Neil Druckman waking up in 20 years and realizing he was on the wrong side of history. He was the enemy all along. That's the thing these people fear the most.
its a suicide rate - count of people that actually killed themselves and not
>im seeking attention so i cut myself
Based and Dekepilled.
This happened
The last of us 2 is dogshit
>Abby good Ellie bad
>Two trained men with 20+ years of experience living in a post apocalyptic world let there guard down get ambushed one is beat and held back and one of them gets to say hi to the hard end of a gold club.
>Characters dumbed down for plot
>Giving npc characters names when killed for shock value
So edgy!
>Using there real names when one of them has dealt with tons of shady people crossed people killed when shit went south on a trade killed 50 men and women to save ellie.
Joel is a target to be hunted if found by the right people who want his ass dead.
>Didn't question 7 armed people who possible could kill you on the spot and or are strangers.
>Killing joel off in a lazy way
Joel is not a saint with the amount of people he has killed alone means any time he leaves jackson means he is a possible target but that's not a excuse to kill him in a shitty way.
>False advertisement for making people think joel was in the main game then switches him out with Jesse and lies and or damage controls.
>Huuuuuurrrrrr he lived in safety for 4 years
Not a excuse to trust random assholes in a lawless world.
>Killing people for shock value
The last of us now is the walking dead.
>Try to get people to feel sympathy for abby
Fuck abby no one cares about this bull dyke nor does spending 10 hours playing the cunt. You should've cut that bitch out and put in Tommy Jesse And Ellie and maybe even Dina.
>Muhhhhh transgender waaaaaaaaa
Fuck SJW Fuck Anita fuck feminist fuck trannies no one wants your shit shoved into video games. You want a video game based on your garbage? i have a idea make your own games. No one has a problem with women in video games and we been doing it since forever.
>Ellie alone kills 300 men and women just to get to her and does not kill abby
AngryJoe: Just because something is explained doesn't make it good.