I'm wondering, what non-videogame things hold the most importance in Zig Forums's culture?

I mean that with what tv show episodes, movies, videos, basically any media that isnt an actual video game hold the most importance in Zig Forums's history? I can think of two examples off the top of my head

>Team Fabulous 2
>Band Geeks

But im certain there are more

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Zig Forums's culture

Every group of people, no matter what, has some form of a culture. This includes Zig Forums


Erasure and Gachi, of course those periods have cum and gone

this has got to be the saddest attempt at "fitting in" i've ever seen holy shit

Being redpilled I think. Yeah theres still a few soi's here and there, but I think in generally the quadro of based boards is /pol, /v, /fit, and /tv

Why? I was just interested.

I'd wager Gachi is Zig Forums in it's entirety, not only Zig Forums

Fesh Pince

Touhou is obviously a huge one.

>hasn't been mentioned yet

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came to post this

>>Team Fabulous 2
>>Band Geeks
if you had to pick one, which would you choose?

Does Loss count as video games?

>it's been almost a decade

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I'll send my Condolences to your Kangaroo wife

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Team Fabulous 2

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Thanks mate


Here's your (You)

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>no Tails Get Trolled


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"Heavy is Dead" is peak of Zig Forums culture.

Change my mind.


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Twitter-tier shit, fuck off newfaggot zoomer

there's nothing that makes touhou exactly Zig Forums culture, that's mostly a /jp/ thing.


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Dragon Ball

>tfw Zig Forums hasn't had ALWAYS in years

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We have it every year, you goddamn troglodyte. What the fuck are you on?