Why is he a blue bear?
andrew "bruised ego" dobson btfos the haters again
Honestly, now that Dobson's gone i kind of miss him. Anyone else?
>ywn piss off someone with a comment so much they make a comic about it
same goes for shadman. i miss the memes
>The art got worse
How in the fuck
No, that's actually false, dobson is a hack but that looks far better
He blew up.
Don't tell him
unironically a better ending to the last of us part ii
Still can't believe Dobson is fucking dead
What happened to him? Did Covid kill him? God I hope so
Why do gamers do this?
Gamers, man.
I'm still not convinced this isn't satire
This one always gets me
>when you're Asian but not a little orphan boy so Angelina will never adopt you and you vent by making anti-white people comics
third speech bubble in the second to last panel is an actual speech bubble not a thought bubble despite using thought bubbles earlier. also there's nothing wrong with eating a groundhog you found in your backyard, what does this have to do with southern racial prejudice? it seems rather prejudiced towards southerners to me. maybe it's trying to point out a hypocrisy when coupled with the previous panel?
holy shit i remember this random comic generator. shit owned. thanks for the memories user.
The rumors of his demise have been greatly inflated
I don't get it
Good riddance if true
is he bowing his head as a traditional chinese greeting?
It's not too late user. There are many fragile egos out there.
The Game
I don't get that last one. Dude seems like he's being genuine. "Groundhogs? Why waste the time and money relocating them, just cook them up"
>you will never be bullied by literal children
Because the entire comic is ressentiment and things that happened.txt
Why move to the South when you know you won't have a good experience there? What the hell were you going to accomplish by doing so?
>I don't get that last one.
"rednecks eat vermin, how uncouth".
>putting spaces in filenames
post the edit.
>"Wow everyone is stereotyping me"
>"Wtf dumbass hick eating groundhogs"
It's hypocrisy, user. That's all.
I miss Miiverse