Who's your video game waifu/husbando?

Who's your video game waifu/husbando?

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Mai waif

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you posted her


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I love Kasumi!

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This SEXY motherfucker showing LEG gave me HUGE boners as a kid

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Remember that more than one waifu will destroy your laifu.

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What about a mistress?

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this user wants the D D D

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It's been long-destroyed and was never going to go anywhere despite my giving and wisdom-sharing, yo. Now, I'm just going full throttle on the crazy train.

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Oh hey, King Bowser.

Alright, you're okay.

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I mean, "okay" is a relative term. "Stable." For now. Sort of. Eh.

Glad to see you're holding up.

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Magic Knight is my one and only.

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You too, man.

What if I have a waifu and a bunch of concubine..fus?

Anne Takamaki is the love of my life.

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I love raisin!

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