Who's your video game waifu/husbando?
Who's your video game waifu/husbando?
Jacob Young
Levi Flores
Mai waif
Jonathan Cook
Anthony Cook
you posted her
Samuel Bennett
Lincoln Green
Ayden Wilson
Grayson Ortiz
I love Kasumi!
Andrew Lewis
Parker Ortiz
Grayson Watson
Joseph Robinson
Josiah Miller
Colton Edwards
Luke Stewart
This SEXY motherfucker showing LEG gave me HUGE boners as a kid
Josiah Stewart
Mason Howard
Ryan Cox
Nolan Nelson
Remember that more than one waifu will destroy your laifu.
Kayden Sullivan
What about a mistress?
Eli Scott
this user wants the D D D
Gabriel Evans
Cooper Evans
It's been long-destroyed and was never going to go anywhere despite my giving and wisdom-sharing, yo. Now, I'm just going full throttle on the crazy train.
Jace Hill
Oh hey, King Bowser.
Alright, you're okay.
Jeremiah Carter
Colton Baker
Jaxon Rodriguez
I mean, "okay" is a relative term. "Stable." For now. Sort of. Eh.
Glad to see you're holding up.
Chase Scott
Magic Knight is my one and only.
Nathan Gutierrez
You too, man.
Easton Cooper
What if I have a waifu and a bunch of concubine..fus?
Joseph Perry
Anne Takamaki is the love of my life.
Justin Rivera
I love raisin!