What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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He had a plan and Arthur didn't believe him.

or give him time.

God complex mostly

He required a little more faith and no one was willing to lend him some.

He had a god damn plan

he just needed SOME FUCKING MONEY

>surpases John as Rockstar's most likeable character
how did they do it considering how likeable the entire gang was in RD2

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Head injury.

What the fuck was HIS problem, cowpokes?

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Not enough mangoes in his diet.

unfairly called a rat when blacklung had no evidence he ever did anything wrong

He's prettier than John and has a nicer voice. That's all.

John has the most iconic voice in the entire series ya doofus

Dutch did nothing wrong. He had his back to the wall, the law was coming for them, so he needed a lot of money fast which is why he kept going for big scores. They literally had no choice. They had to get money and get out. Combine that with bad luck given to him by the writers and it all came crashing down.

Dutch in the years before was probably a great man.

Probably because he seemed more mature and wiser than John who always came off a bit simple minded but honorable


Nigger, he was obviously the rat from the start.

They had a chance to settle down shortly before the Blackwater ferry job. But it wasn't enough for Dutch. He never wanted to "settle down", so there would always be a next score.

feel free to prove it at any point

Here are your winners. Say something nice about them.

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>people still defend Dutch's bullshit
>people still think using the native american's war for his own personal greed is a good thing
>people still think killing old women for no reason is a good thing
>people still think killing unarmed women in blackwater is a good thing

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Who? Lenny?

it is amazing how none of the gang members were unlikeable

Absolutely based. Went from being in the grips of drug addiction to overcoming it and getting out
Only guy I cared about desu

>the least interesting ones get to live

Yep, you have to be a NPC in order to survive

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Lenny was a virgin.


>Cant even kill a dying man

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You don't look tough

mary-beth a cute


He was addicted to the thrill of pulling off a job, it wouldn't have mattered how much the next score brought in because there's always a bigger score just on the horizon.

Mary-Beth arouses my loins like no other. I fucking love freckles

or money