I don't really play any gachas but what is Zig Forumss opinion on this one?

I don't really play any gachas but what is Zig Forumss opinion on this one?

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Grindblue Fantasy

I find nothing inherently wrong with grinding.

Way too late to start now. The roster is massively bloated, and there's so many different things they want you to grind that you won't be making much progress for months.
Arknights was really fun until I started entertaining thoughts of spending money on it, so I quit.


The game has amazing art value with art and music by past final fantasy artist and an incredible and varied cast but that's where my praise for the game ends

Playing the actual game is nothing but a waste of time as you mash the auto button over and over and over grinding for materials and weapons just so you can grind for more material and weapons so that you can participate in a group race at who grinds the most at the end of the month

It's the only gacha I've stuck with for years now. I try other gacha games every now and then but end up dropping them sooner or later. I don't even care that much about the characters that made me pick it up, it's the grid autism and shitposting that keep me playing.

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Rank 165 and I still have no idea how the weapon grid works.

I only played for the Harvin

Don't let the big titty cows fool you, it's fujo territory

Summer will prove you wrong

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