Wow what a snorefest, why do people recommend this game?

wow what a snorefest, why do people recommend this game?
>terrible combat
>terrible graphics
>slow as fuck

Attached: kingdom_come_deliverance.jpg (467x657, 52.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because it doesn't have black people or women.

the same reason people want after birth abortions, so faggots like you can be filtered out of life

sounds like you have 80 iq and got filtered, maybe try life is strange instead lol loser

>drinking alcohol makes graphics worse by increasing sharpness and aliasing
for what purpose?

Attached: thonk.jpg (1024x1024, 84.85K)

goty 2018

>muh beer goggles
thats why, so soi bois who dont touch alcohol understand whats happening when they drink digital alcohol

>terrible combat
lmao get good

So is the only way to discuss good games on Zig Forums pretending they are bad to get enough (you)s to start the thread?

Attached: 1552851304939.jpg (600x800, 488.18K)

I suggest you retire from gaming if you don't think this game is fun and hilarious.

Attached: sleepparalysismonster.png (658x492, 528.05K)