Haunting Ground: a game where you play as Alison Angel being pursued by the retard from the goonies in an abandoned italian castle. Also a dog.
Haunting Ground: a game where you play as Alison Angel being pursued by the retard from the goonies in an abandoned...
Sounds fun
It is.
You just know
>that ending where she gets raped and mindbroken by the Castle's master
They would have never gotten away with it today
I want to save the maid....
Considering the whole game is about the fears of a hot woman (attracting the voracious sexual attention of an uggo, attracting the insane jealousy of a less hot woman, and attracting the sexual attention of a psychotic man with power) it makes sense.
>Considering the whole game is about the fears of a hot woman
what kind of schizo take is this
the ugo is an autistic person and the less hot woman is a soulless doll envious of how human the main character is compared to her and the entire plot of the game revolves around the man in the castle trying to impregnate her to create a successor to him since she's the closest relative he has by virtue of her father being his clone
The old hag is jealous of the breeding potential of the younger protagonist, which makes her more attractive. The younger protagonist also doesn't know what to do with this potential since it was given to her by nature, not by any effort of her own, thus she doesn't understand the responsibility associated with it.
California Snoy would never allow a game where women are able to bear life, even less likely to note that this ability is lost very quickly with age.