No Straight Roads thread for those who wana see a new game

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Was hoping to pick it up on the Switch in a month, but the last thread had several different anons cite different wildly different prices for this game, from two different Steam pages saying both $18 and $39, to a Gamestop user saying the game was priced cheaper depending on what console version it was.

Going to wait until we get a concrete pricing here, I like what I see but not for $40

>last thread
Mind if I have a link? Wish NSR got more attention at Zig Forums as a break from the usual hogwash.

Oh jesus someone from this god forsaken shit hole actually knows NSR exists.
Since we are here ill let you in on the new stuff that happened
These are the first like 80 to 90 minutes game. Includes the first two bosses, DJSS and sayu
Theres also a mini soundtrack avaible, you can check most of the boss music and some other tracks on youtube right now.
Like sayus theme
Note that these are the base tracks, without the genre shift.
The game will now come out on august 25th. So yeah get on that.

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Yeah, looks Coolio. I wonder if there would be optional bosses? Asides from the NSR.

DK west will be a secret boss

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Any others or just this one?

Yeah, just him

Is this a game about lesbians?

No, dear user. Contrary to what you might think, it is in fact not about lesbians.