Indie games should following standard industry pricing and be $60

Prove me wrong.

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indie shovelware should cost no more than $5

No, they should cost the standard since they're participating in the same market as the rest of the industry.

I think indies should be taxed more because they've less workers.

>Indie games
>following standard industry

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Star dew valley has been at the top of digital sales since it came to switch they would have sold Less than half that at a higher price but point

Just because you cant comprehend two items having two different prices doesnt mean that they should cost the same retard

All indie game protagonists should be replaced by Majima.

>they would have sold Less than half that at a higher price
Then the dev should make a better game.

Standardized pricing is essential for the economy. Indies are wreaking havoc on the market by not being regulated on this.