what's you favorite Atelier game
What's you favorite Atelier game
read the second word
the one that isn't dumbed down coomer shit
Nobody cares about the "game", it's all about the weeb bait and fap bait
mommy milkies
the one that is dumbed down coomer shit
>people still think atelier wasn't super easy before
>people still think atelier didn't have sexy girls before
remember when atelier girls were petite and not voluptous fatty cum monsters?
totori is my fave
honestly I don't think ryza is a bad game but I resent it for ruining discussion about this series, threads used to be so comfy
I liked Firis despite it's flaws
forever rorona
So far it's Ayesha, with Firis a close second. Currently playing Meruru DX and still haven't played Lulua or Shallie.
My ass, you arlandfags ruined every thread since Ayesha, you are the retarded faggots who spam wojaks all the time
It's a bunch of shitposters who never played (or probably even heard of) the series before and are just talking out their ass.
Rorona, Totori or Meruru?
woah stop spurging out dude
I haven't played any of them. It's my understanding, due to the lack of much discussion pertaining to it, that the plot is not anything to write home about. Even the gameplay seems to take a backseat to the girls, so I disregard it as a coomer game.
The characters? Rorona. The games? Still Rorona.
No one falls for your revisionism retarded arlandfag, and I'll never forgive you arlandniggers for pushing that shitty coomer meme just because you were salty about Ryza getting more sales than your arlandshit, you ruined half the website out of being salty bitches, not to even mention the years of doomposting where you were saying that gust should go bankrupt and burn down
YOU are the cancer, nobody else
Wish the devs would turn the series into an action RPG if only for one spinoff game. Love the idea and the cute girls, but I just can't stand turn based games anymore.
Would love to see something like Recettear done with it.
>I haven't played any of them
then shut the fuck up, no one asked you reddit trash
Well you're right about the plots. These aren't story-heavy games. The focus is usually on fun character interactions and tinkering with the alchemy. They slowly started adding a little more emphasis on story (especially in Ryza) and exploration (beginning with Firis) but those things are still playing second-fiddle to the other stuff.
you seriously expect a proper opinion from some retard that says shit like "coomer"?
It wasn't all of them for sure, but we had obnoxious Arland fanboys since Ayesha dropped. Dusk was ruling the series until Mysterious was ruining the series and now it's Ryza's fault. All the while the series kept trucking on and putting out good games.
Anyone who's been in atelier threads for the past years knows that it's the obnoxious arlandfags that shit up every thread
I wasn't expecting any opinion since he said he didn't play them. But on the off chance he (or somebody who was similarly wary of the series) needed a push to try them I figured I'd fill him in. I'm bored user let me post.
it's weird that I only really know Sophie from Warriors All Stars
Yes that's what I said thanks
we don't need trash like that in the fanbase, he's better off playing tlou or whatever garbage normalfags like him play
I'm still annoyed they didn't bring Leon back for the sequels.