Just finished this. Breddy gud

Just finished this. Breddy gud.
Curious if anybody knows, do all of the party memebers after the betrayal not fight back?
I had Terry, Birdie and MadDog and none of them actually touched me.

Attached: LISA-OST_Image.jpg (340x340, 20.75K)

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Most of them fight back. Great game. Don't play Joyful, it's horrible.

Play Joyful. The bad parts are short and there's nice cutscene with Brad at the end.
Then play Hopeful and Pointless.
Then if you're not done you can try Unbreakable, Doleful, Ungrateful, Gardenias, any of the hundreds of mods and stuff and things and stuff.

Really? So I just picked the right team? I wonder if the fact that I never changed teams once I got these guys has anything to do with it. I really thought Birdie would since I got him so late.

>There's a nice fanservice cutscene at the end. It really fulfilled my wishes!
Did you also clap like a baby seal at MGS 4? Fucking pleb.
The bad parts are short in that the whole game is short.

>I wonder if the fact that I never changed teams once I got these guys has anything to do with it
I don't think that matters, no.

No, I don't like Joyful at all and prefer to pretend that it never existed and story ended with Painful (Austin actually agrees with me on this, he called Joyful a mistake and a rushed stretch goal on twitter)

I'm just saying that Brad fight has nice music. Warlords have cool music too. That's about it.

Agreed, but just go listen to the soundtrack of Joyful and don't play the game IMO

>You really are the best
>Thank you.... For everything

Attached: thebest.jpg (181x159, 4.33K)

It's just based on the character. Some of them fight you, others cry and hesitate. Your actions don't matter, its not that deep.
Still the systems in the game are impressive for a one-man rpgmaker game, wouldn't you agree.

Joyful isn’t that bad, just not as good as Painful. The final segment is really fucking good though. Watch this animation if you want to get the gist of the plot though youtu.be/V15ez8s371U

It's just not the same when you're not in a fight.
As shit as Joyful is, it at least shines some light on:
>why Buddy hates Brad
>Brad's true feelings of fatherly love
It could be in the base game in some form or the other, but idk
everything else is gratutious, especially the retarded Yado speech and the retarded Buzzo redemption backstory that ties in with the yume nikki clone lisa.

Say what you will about Painful, but this dude was a fucking legend

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But why is he not die.

Why can Brad shoot fireballs?
Sheer force of will.

>Why can Brad shoot fireballs
Because Austin likes wrestling?


Is there a list of who does and doesn't?

I’d recommend just looking up a list of each party members ending quotes and make your own judgement from there.
Or search the wiki, either or

The wiki is shit. I found an ending quote list, it's pretty ambiguous. From what O read I though Mad Dog and birdie were going to try and fuck me up but they didn't.

Don't be a faggot, give Joyful a chance, is not as good as Painful but it's still worth playing. Also play Pointless.

Attached: nice of Lester to invite us over.png (400x284, 52.96K)

Here, you can check these pages and see what skills they have listed. If they have Cry and Stall in there, then they don't wanna kill you.

Don't listen to this retard.

Listen to this retard

Feel free to ignore this massive faggot, OP

Attached: Brad.png (400x370, 60.89K)

Joyful is shit and Pointless is shit.
Play Hopeful and then move on with life.


exactly this

>Fought this guy last on my first playthrough

Attached: kiryurad.jpg (720x720, 91.59K)


The idea of Joyful was not "bad" in my opinion. He should've just changed the whole game up a bit so it becomes more of a "social" strategy kind of game, where Lisa actually grows into a proper woman and manipulates the various warlords to do her bidding with the promise of a chance to repopulate the world.
Maybe with some fights that the player has to play himself playing as another character.
That would've been amazing.

Or he could just make it a proper sequel and not a rushed gratuituous stretch goal dee ale sea