What in the FUCK is this calarts bullshit doing on steam?!
What in the FUCK is this calarts bullshit doing on steam?!
Its cute.
Calarts has effectively replaced good western art. You're only choice is anime or calarts.
It's cheap?
this but unironically
EDIT: thanks for the heartwarming kind user :)
They're chat stickers, if they're too detailed the smaller size will look fucked up
The people behind Steam's special events have been getting lazier and shittier in general every year. They didn't even really bother to do anything this year.
That Maiden sticker is fine. Geralt however is awful.
This is western artstyle now, deal with it nerd
If I choose anime and it isn't in the style of either Fist of the North Star or AKIRA, I'll choose Calarts.
I got one of these disgusting stickers for free and immediately sent in a support ticket to have it deleted
fuck this calarts garbage lmao
>acting like a massive sperg for absolutely no reason at all other than to post some screenshot on the internet
back to autismo
>guy says some shit is ugly and wants it removed cause he isnt allowed to do it himself
>acting like massive sperg
i like it
Powerpuff girls
i hate how you can ONLY post em in the chat, no the forums or streams
>futafaggot acting like a faggot
It's worth it for that awesome black hole background for my profile. Yeah, it's facebook shit, but come on. I'm a man of fancy stuff.
I thought The Amazing World of Gumball had taken over Steam for a second.
So the same people behind the April fools day event on here?
>or calarts.
You're forgetting faux-anime style that the French do (or French-Canada does). Such as; Korra, Wakfu, Doofus and that mesoamerican not!LastAirbender '''anime''' by CR is done by the Canadians iirc.
Honestly, I find Black Hole to be far too "busy". If you can stomach it then all the more power to you, but it's definitely not my kind of thing.
We cannot escape the calarts. These fucks will forever be in out institutions for decades and they will go on to teach the next generation and the next.
holy based
TAWOG is top tier tough
What do stickers do? I'm thinking about getting one of the CSGO ones.
haha yeah... only CalArts...
That show seems to be the only one that gets it right and uses the style aptly