Good free(ware) games for kids

I'm part of an organization that provides tutoring opportunities and a safe space for playing for disadvantaged kids in my town. We have a room with four ancient PCs (think early to mid 90s) and some primitive as fuck DOS and Win95 games for rainy days when we can't send the kids out to play in our yard.

As we recently received a donation consisting of some old-ish office PCs (6-8) years, I was thinking of replacing those antiques. I'm yet to take a look at the machines, but my current plan is putting in used 500GB HDDs and throw Win10 on them.

What are some sources for good, fun free(ware) games suitable for kids aged 8-12? I will be able to set the machines up just fine, but they will be shandled by our tech-illiterate employees and kids who mostly have no computer experience, so no complicated DOSBox setups and no Linux stuff, please.

Pic unrelated.

Attached: 1589986873160.webm (1280x720, 1M)

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Elasto mania


EXTREMELY based post

Not suitable at all

Attached: 1456729163008.png (1373x1080, 1.64M)

Win10 on HDDs means additional pain in the ass for each time it has to reboot and update its shit.
(you could completely knock out Winupdate but be careful).

As for games, how about Worms Armageddon? It works on any toaster.

The machines won't have any internet connection so I'm not worried about that.

Worms is a great idea, noted.

Gotta buy that on Steam, no freeware.

I like the concept suggested by Fate Stay Night user. If the safe space allows a "reading time" room, then maybe those computers could have visual novels set up on them.

Bootleg Mario

You want to turn these kids into edgelords?