Is this the best JRPG of all time?

Is this the best JRPG of all time?

Attached: bof3.jpg (800x600, 136.24K)

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harvest moon back to nature is


Attached: chao fairy.jpg (800x600, 101.86K)

I remember playing this but not finishing it
I'm going to start it again
I remember there were some NPCs that taught you skills
can you learn everything or do you have to select specific characters? can I fuck that up?

you can't really fuck up. you can learn all the skills no problem. the trick with masters is they affect character stats at level up.

it's alright
solid game but the story was mostly boring and the motivations at the end of the game retarded
people seem to enjoy bof4 more but imo it only has a better pixel art

You can't fuck up as far as learning skills go. But you can absolutely fuck up in terms of stat growth. You don't want your main character for example to learn from a master that reduces AP gained per level up, because for them that is by far the most important stat (lets them turn into and maintain dragon form for longer).

BoF4 is a worse game.

Attached: 1571369322469.jpg (1125x2097, 185.17K)

holy shit
does the game show you what stats are going to be affected?

I think it does. It's mostly common sense but you don't want a mage gaining less AP and magic damage per level up for example.