This women went through more in her life than Ellie did in TLOU and she didn't turn into a rotten cunt of a human.
Thanks for reading my blog.
This women went through more in her life than Ellie did in TLOU and she didn't turn into a rotten cunt of a human
>and she didn't turn into a rotten cunt of a human
That's because Jap writing is trash.
You think yakuza characters are realistic?
Liked, but not upvoted
because japs are based
This. Japs don't know how to write women. Its either stronk womyn or clumsy slutty retard.
woman = singular
women = plural
How are there so many illiterate fuckwits on Zig Forums that get that wrong?
That's because asian girls are perfection given human form.
>praising yakuza writing because it's somewhat better than a turd
kill yourself
>This. Japs don't know how to write women. Its either stronk womyn or clumsy slutty retard.
Vs western which is strong marry sue ugly man women.
I laughed so hard when she walks straight into a Yakuza trap and gets shot like a retard. Not defending Ellie either, I've hated her since the first game, and they made her even more insufferable in 2.
I cared more about the Yakuza 0 characters than TLoU characters. That said Makoto's decision to "forgive" Oda was worse than Ellie's decision to spare Abby. Abby at least spared Ellie twice.
>Bigot takoyaki.
Didn't a bunch of yakuza say the dialogue is pretty realistic, at least for the yakuza characters.
Joel in TLoU is a better character than anybody in Yakuza 0.
True. I personally cared more for Majima and Kiryu. But I agree with you.
Sonytrannies acting hypocritical by saying a bunch of racist shit
You hate to see it
Just a typo, princess
japanese literature is always so one-dimensional
>it was just a typo lmao
that doesn't work anymore ESL
Don't care, didn't ask, plus you're white.
Walking into that trap was undoubtedly retarded, but for what it's worth Majima does outright tell her that her plan is the stupidest thing he's ever heard in his goddamn life.
She's also a peanut brain that disappears all the time because EMOTIONS and SAD.
The plot would literally not work if she was capable of thought
She may not have turned into a rotten cunt of a human, but she did turn into a human with a rotten cunt.
Just imagine all the disgusting shit they pulled, that pussy got put through the wringer and then some.
Any more words you learned on Zig Forums that you'd like to share while you throw a hissy fit over a typo?
My, my, user. It seems you didn't capitalize the first letter in your sentence. Could that be a typo?
You think TLOU characters are realistic?
>Could that be a typo?
no, because it was intentional, dipshit.
Anything Japanese gets a rise out of folks here, huh?
>it was intentional, dipshit lmao
That doesn't work anymore ESL
For some reason, people who have an irrational disdain for Japan and Japanese products choose to visit a Japanese-inspired, turned Japanese-owned website to express their disdain.
part of commie subversion is normalizing being an evil cunt
People are simply so bored that they'll go get angry at something only to escape that boredom.
Don't worry someone else in Yakuza did
First, a "blog" would have been a (probably poorly formatted) wall of text about why your opinion is better than everyone else's.
Second, every person isn't the same. I was sexually abused as a kid, and while I'm fucked up in the head a little bit, I never became a sexual abuser and I never #metoo'd anyone. Different people handle trauma differently. I got the fuck over mine, mother's don't.
Lastly, I'm not defending the shit writing in TLOU2 in any way. I really do feel like every thung in that game is garbage and dirty assholes.
It also seems telling to me that they feel threatened by comparisons between a Japanese series that is intentionally patently ridiculous and a western series that tries its damnedest to be Artâ„¢.
God was I happy when Kiryu adopted the right child
A and E aren't even in the same line. It was an ESL error, not a type. Stop trying to deny it.
>she didn't turn into a rotten cunt of a human
Stories can be different user. Keep seething about tlou2 though i guess.