What's your excuse for not playing the Yakuza games, Zig Forums?

What's your excuse for not playing the Yakuza games, Zig Forums?

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat 16.webm (852x480, 2.95M)

I played 3,4,5 and figured I got the gist of it.


I've got ALOT of games to play.... Still haven't skies of arcadia... or final fantasy 7.... there's alot.

I do
but so far I've only played 1-4

Never played any of 'em.
What's a good one to start with on PS4?

Attached: 1415678397852.png (361x357, 169.8K)

Kiwami (remake of 1) or just emulate 1

don't fucking play kiwami first, play zero

Release order.

That's retarded.

Because they’re nearly as autistic as DBZ but without the aliens, and every single fucking character walks around with a completely undeserved perpetual tough guy attitude.

Playing 2 now