Why did it flopped so hard bros? Where is VR revolution they promised bros?

Why did it flopped so hard bros? Where is VR revolution they promised bros?

Attached: HalfLife_Alyx_VR_disappointment.jpg (497x738, 67.81K)

Lol forgot this shit existed

>flopped so hard
>it sold out most vr headsets
>valve couldn't keep up with demand
>occulus and htc couldn't keep up properly either
>people were scalping headsets left and right after alyx dropped
i get it bros its not the fucking be-all-and-end-all of gaming but it wasn't a fucking flop

Indexes are still sold out and it's one of the highest rated games on steam. Cope, poor brazilian shitskin.

Why are you obsessed with foreigners?

You gotta wait for Hunt Down the Freeman 2 VR.

Lmfao are you retarded mate?

Headsets are price hiked to shit in Brazil, Rift S can be the price of an Index. Thus, most anti VR whiners are mad shitskins.

Nah cunt, think you are. Catch covid, victorian.

It was a bad vr port nobody wanted, what did you expect

>no argument
Are you?

Do you even know what that word means, shitskin?

Yeah he seems retarded

>Where is the VR revolution
I have been waiting 2 months for my fucking index and so are a ton of fucking people

Attached: 1569565709839.png (485x385, 148.58K)

>have headset
>didnt buy it
fuck valve

It's a bad game get over it bro, life goes on

You just obsessed even more instead of explaining anything.


It's obvious you didn't even play the game, and you didn't address your misuse of the word port, cope.

>Its a Bad Game Cuz its Bad
great argument

>Give Valve $1000 for an Index
>Don't give Valve $40 for Alyx

It was an average disappointment, nobody expected anything except those vr cultist defenders.

>Index is the only option
When will this meme die?

The game as a game is bad why would i give 40 bucks for it?

This, fucks are just praising it because it's vr title

>Buying a VR that isn't the Index
You were that kid who only had 3rd party controllers for his friends weren't you?
The Index is the true way to experience VR, do you play FPS games at 30 FPS with motion blur too?

>The game as a game is bad

>13 year wait for a 4 hour long VR game that costs $1000 + a high end computer to enjoy
>Teasing HL3 will be VR
So in 2033 when a few thousand people have treadmill VR setups it might be cool I guess

>buy $500 headset
>set it up
>have a pretty large area to play in, but apparently not large enough
>play games for a few days
>touch it maybe once every week

seriously why am i not enjoying this?
I feel like if I had a huge 10x10 area to play this in id like it more, but most the games just feel like im holding sticks, its almost like the Wii again

also the fucking MOTION SICKNESS

and why the fuck does everything look like its 480p?

Attached: d04.png (905x1034, 72.78K)

I got the Rift S, again fuck valve

>4 hour long
>Index is the only option
>high end computer
1070 is high end now?

>Zig Forums VR shill threads are dead and confined to /vg/

What happened? You told me VR revolution was here to stay.