Fallout Airfoce

Why isn’t there a Bear Force in fallout? They have a huge country and decent military, but only a single vertibird? Couldn’t they at least build simple planes like Biplanes?

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They can't beat cosplayers with spears hiding in a wooden fort.
They need learn to walk before they can run.

Fair point actually. They don’t really use guns yet they get their shit pushed in

there's only enough fuel to power a handful of them

They can't even manufacture body armor or even advanced guns besides a piece of shit 5.56 semi-auto.

The service rifle is pre war

Aren't there crashed NCR vertibirds alongside Long 15 after you nuke it?

Because its all just tribal niggers LARPing as the old world

>you can only access this area after it gets destroyed
Thanks Avellone

So where does all of there tax money go?

But there are seemingly endless supplies of fusion cores


user, I...

Same place our current government taxes go. Wellfare, politician mansions and no refund political campaigns.

4 is set in a alternate unverse where the bombs never dropped and they are all in a truman show dome

haven't seen this vid in years
thanks for the hearty kek.

I meant an airforce, not fagforce

Is there a difference?

>not gay
also for posterity, all other branches of military are equally gay.

Yeah, the fagforce is the navy

The entire premise of Fallout is that they're almost completely out of oil.
Funnily enough vertibirds continue to operate by the dozens in Bethesda's games, but they don't know shit about the lore so I guess that's why.

LOL, it really is. So basically everything the NCR uses is scavanged and their actual level of technical development may be lower than the Legion's.

I think they splained it away by saying it is nuclear powered

Damn that's catchy

The virgin NCR taxing the fuck out of poor farmers just to build mansions for the elite and pushes bullshit democracy vs the Chad BoS who pushes Authority, builds state of the art weapons and a functioning airforce/ airship

yet the enclave are literal cockroaches

Then 4 completely throws the lore out and makes it that no one has a energy problem that the BoS can operate airships, a bunch of raiders and atomcats have access to tons of power armor frames

I don't remember that being mentioned anywhere.
In fact New Vegas explicitly mentions they run on oil, since the Enclave base in the Mojave was one of their refueling stations for vertibirds.

pretty sure the vertibirds are fusion powered like every other vehicle in the setting
the whole point of the pre-War history is that after fossil fuels ran out, there was a brief economic boom with the advent of fusion energy, that's the reason pre-war culture looks so similar to the booming '50s

You telling me the Enclave is Turkish?

It’s because crashed birds have a +10 radiation in 4

4 is noncanon as fuck

I don't think it would be terribly hard for the US government/enclave who managed to create deathclaws and supermutants to develop a source of biodiesel

no , meant in survivability

Yet they got blown the fuck out in fallout 2

It's so fucking retarded, they even retconned the vertibirds so they could justify them being available in the Commonwealth, when according to Fallout 3 itself it didn't enter service yet when the bombings happened.

Vb-01 were decently common which are the ones seen in the commonwealth but VB-02 were produce only on the west coast, that’s why the NCR has a handful and the BoS/commonwealth have a bunch

>Why isn’t there a Bear Force in fallout?
Because there isn't a Bull Force in Fallout

Attached: 1-2.png (1280x720, 216.85K)

Legion bull force would be an interesting concept