>dad walks in the game
Dad walks in the game
Other urls found in this thread:
>he proceeds to beat the shit out of you for playing such a bad final fantasy
your dad was in final fanstasy?
>he proceeds to beat you off during the songs for playing such a based final fantasy
No, because I would never touch this piece of shit.
>"so son... which is your favorite?"
Paine, dear Father because as our saviour Wakka once said "Better dead than Al Bhed."
My dad actually did walk in during the massage scene. I think that was the moment he gave up on me forever.
Dumb frogposter.
Right at the 0:11 mark
Cope, idiot.
he did the right thing
Oh man. I remember being big into FF in high school and really liking FFX, so naturally I wanted FFX-2. I got it for Christmas, opened up my present and I think I turned into an adult then because it was a very cringe cover for a game let alone an FF game. The shitty part was my parents looking at me for affirmation they did good and bought the right thing so I acted surprised and happy when inside I was in slow agony. Love ya mom and dad, just wish I bought this for myself instead of you guys so you didn't know what I was going to play.
Same thing bro. I got it the Christmas it came out and I lost interest in the franchise the second that cringey pop shit with yuna that happened at the start
>The only final fantasy game I've played since the original on NES
I think "parent walking in at the worst possible time" is what caused a lot of people to become such puritans when it comes to gaming. They carry that shame and embarrassment with them forever.
>I lost interest in the franchise the second that cringey pop shit with yuna that happened at the start
That was in all the marketing for the game you god damn goober.
best active battle system in FF history, fight me
though I do like ff7r too
your dad has a going-into-games machine? LUCKY
That's what happens when your dad works for nintendo.
>best gameplay of any final fantasy
> playing a final fantasy for the gameplay
>What is this, some kind of Charlie's Angels game?
>U-um, yes.
>some kind of Charlie's Angels game
Not an inaccurate appraisal. Even the logo the girls are in a nip-version of angels pose.
Yuna, though I preferred her in X.
>video game
>not playing for the gameplay
u mad? yeah, you sound mad
Unironically fragile masculinity